I'm Chinese / I'm a Chinese [Nationality: adjective vs noun]
Feb 23, 2010 · The Chinese typically have dark hair, while the Finns typically have fair hair. The two skiers finished the race at almost the same time; however, the American was half a …
I am pure Chinese - WordReference Forums
Sep 10, 2007 · I don't think we ever say "I'm pure Chinese". For one, we are never sure about how pure we are; some Malay or Indian blood could be mixed in as child adoptions were …
I am <a Chinese / Chinese / from China> | WordReference Forums
Apr 8, 2014 · We can say I am an American.But I know Chinese are always plural. So you'd better not say I am a Chinese. So what is the most approximate way to say it? I am using my mobile …
descent vs. descendant - WordReference Forums
Apr 16, 2012 · I agree with Andygc that "I am a Chinese descendent" is a grammatically correct sentence that would not be used by anyone for any reason (as is "The blue apple is happy."). …
I'm Chinese / I'm a Chinese [Nationality: adjective vs noun]
Jan 20, 2018 · Yes, all the '-ish' and '-ese' adjectives can be used to refer to the whole or majority population (but not to smaller groups): The Spanish often take a siesta. The Chinese eat a lot …
a Chinese born-and-bred. | WordReference Forums
Nov 25, 2014 · We don't say a Chinese, any more than we say an English (though there are exceptions, like Greek and Italian), so we don't say I am a Chinese born-and-bred. We say I …
I am learning Chinese - WordReference Forums
Aug 9, 2017 · "I am learning Chinese." : 我正在学汉语 or 我正在学习汉语 the former is frequently used "I learn Chinese" : 我学汉语 or 我学习汉语 My English is very poor, hope you can …
be important to or for? | WordReference Forums
Jan 16, 2008 · Hi everybody, I need your help. I have been bugged by this problem for quite a while. I am Chinese. According to our text book, the word important should be followed by "for …
I'm Chinese / I'm a Chinese [Nationality: adjective vs noun]
Feb 23, 2010 · They both sound good to me. Thanks, RM, for answering my query from about a year and a half ago. I really do. Well, I think he would elaborate on his situation a bit more. …
chinese american - WordReference Forums
Sep 15, 2009 · Quisiera saber como decir "I am Chinese American." en español. ¿Sería "Soy chinoamericana"? Gracias