Boating and Fishing Forum - Hydrasport 2390 Vector - The Hull …
Personally, I prefer the 2390/2400 layout and features over the new 2500, but the 2500 may have them beat on ride with the 23 versus 21 degree deadrise. Not sure about rolling stability. My buddy is days away from taking delivery on a new 2900CC with twin 250ETECs and full electronics package for fishing TunaTown.
The Hull Truth - Boating and Fishing Forum - Hydra Sports Vector …
The 2000 2390 Hydra-Sports Vector I had for ten years had an aluminum fuel tank and when I sold it this past year still had the original fuel tank with no issues. Jim Fever
The Hull Truth - Boating and Fishing Forum - Ride of Hydra-Sport …
Jul 8, 2009 · Re: Ride of Hydra-Sport 2390 I have a 2001 2390 with a single Yammy 250 OX66 on it. I have not seen the performance numbers that some of the others have, my top end is mid 40's, but it is almost always full of fuel or close to it.
The Hull Truth - Boating and Fishing Forum - Ride of Hydra-Sport …
Feb 25, 2008 · Re: Ride of Hydra-Sport 2390 I currently have a 2400 with a single 250 on the back and I can just about nip 50, 49.8 is the fastest I have seen it run. On Lake Erie the boat is solid as can be.
2001 Hydra Sports 2390 Vector CC with Twin 200 HPDI - The Hull …
Jul 25, 2016 · 2001 Hydra Sports 2390 Vector CC with Twin 200 HPDI - SALE PENDING - I am selling my 2001 Hydra Sports Vector CC, the boat is a tank and I have been very back and forth on this. It doesn't fit my new found fishing style or needs fully anymore and I am back in the market to find a boat that does which will be a larger Hydra Sports.
Boating and Fishing Forum - Hydra Sports "Vector series" - The …
I had a 2000 2390 vector for several , great safe boat, but took lots of tab, was heavy and bilge access is terrible. The step hull makes it difficult or impossible to mount some of the newer chirp and thru hull transducers.
The Hull Truth - Boating and Fishing Forum - Hydra-Sports 2390 …
Hydra-Sports 2390 Vector Potential Purchase! So, thought I would take advantage of the awesome resources here on this forum. I am looking at a 2002 2390cc Vector.
2001 Hydra Sports 2390 Vector CC with Twin 200 HPDI
The hull is a 2001, it has your typical gel coat scratches and cracks around the rod holders and cleats. it is completely structurally sound. Vinyl is in average shape. Most of it looks really well with the exception of the front cooler seat and the rear combing pads were the "Hydra Sports" stitching is coming undone
The Hull Truth - Boating and Fishing Forum - Regulator 26 vs …
Regulator 26 vs Hydra Sports 2390 I currently have a 2001 2390 Vector 24' and looking to go to something larger in the future. In my quest I spoke to a boat broker and he was suggesting I go to the 26' Regulator (older hull) when I wanted to go larger.
The Hull Truth - Boating and Fishing Forum - Repower decision for …
Repowered my 2390 in 2008 with a Verado 300. I see 52-54mph, wot (light), 1.6mpg. Cruise at 35-38mph with a burn of 2.3-2.5 mpg. Loaded (half tank of fuel, 3-4 guys and gear, livewell, ice) i see 40-42mph wot, 1.4 mpg. Loaded cruise at 35mph getting 2.0 mpg.