2 lb. brisket in my Old Smokey Electric Smoker
May 5, 2012 · Another way to guarantee a tender moist hunk of brisket brisket is to wrap it in foil after the cook. Like a good steak, it'll need about 20 minutes to rest (more time for more meat, though). You ca also foil it when it reaches about 160-165 degrees, and finish cooking it on the smoker or in the oven.
Cooking a beef brisket in my masterbuilt smoker.
Jun 16, 2012 · The 160 degree mark is where many will wrap a brisket and put it back in the smoker until it reaches around 190, which is when you start testing for doneness via the poke/probe test. Stick a probe/skewer/toothpick into the thickest part of the flat and when it goes in and comes back out with little to no resistance, the brisket is ready.
Brisket on my SM066 electric smoker - Smoking Meat Forums
May 30, 2023 · I smoked a 20-pound brisket on Sunday (05-27/28-23). I had family in town for my daughter’s high school graduation. I used my CookShack SM066 electric smoker. This was my first brisket on this smoker. Cook time was 12 hours and 45 minutes and the brisket was held at 150 degrees for six hours. Start time was 2300 on 05-27-23.
First brisket in Masterbuilt electric smoker - Smoking Meat Forums
Jan 15, 2017 · Howdy everybody. I just put an 8 lb "super trim" brisket from HEB into my new (seasoned) Masterbuilt 30" electric smoker at 6:00 a.m. Put a good coat of Adams Texas-style low and slow rub on it for about 18 hours. Took it out of fridge at 1:00 a.m. to come to room temperature. Using pecan chips...
Brisket in Masterbuilt Pro Electric Smoker help
Apr 28, 2014 · I recently gave a 5+lb beef brisket a try in my Masterbuilt Pro Digital Electric Smoker. I used the built-in meat probe to keep track of the internal temperature. I started the smoking at 200 degrees F at around 7am and noticed just before 10am that the temperature was already at 170 and climbing quickly.
How to properly smoke 2.5 pound brisket - Smoking Meat Forums
May 28, 2015 · 2nd time, I decided to smoke it ultra low and slow, down to 210-215 degrees, wait to get the internal time to 150, then foil, and I smoked till 187 degrees internally. It was a little bit better in terms of flavor, however, most the brisket wasn't tender and still lacked elasticity.
Discussion, how to produce smoke ring in electric smokers?
Jul 20, 2008 · Overall this is great, so chemical additives with sodium nitrite are not needed to produce a smoke ring in an electric smoker. Smoke rings can naturally be produced with the addition of enough briquets/wood ratio. And us lucky MES owners have DaveNH to thank for working out a ratio that works in an MES smoker.
Brisket - Cooked to perfection on Electric Smoker Masterbuilt
May 1, 2016 · Put back in smoker with thermometer in the meat - and smoke till internal temp gets to 203 !!! This is the MAGIC number. Start waiting for it at 200. This will take an additional 4 hrs; Take the foil wrapped meat out of the smoker and wrap in a towel . Take this and put into a cooler or microwave and leave in there for about 2 hrs.
Brisket Packer in a Bradley Electric Smoker - Smoking Meat Forums
Apr 25, 2018 · Hey all - i want to smoke brisket this weekend for a little get together. I have limited space in my Bradley Electric Smoker and was wondering if a) i should look for a small packer (do they come in "small" sizes?!), b) separate the point from the flat, or c) just smoke the flat.
The BEST brisket recipe for an Electric Smoker (Masterbuilt …
Feb 2, 2016 · And we wanted a melt in your mouth fall off the fork tender brisket. So I'm asking you guys. What's your best brisket recipe? (Or if there is a conclusive great one for our smoker that would be wonderful). I don't mind beginning the smoking the day before and I wanna do all the necessary steps to ensure an awesome brisket. The more specific the ...