House Bar Emmon - Forum of Thrones Wikia
House Bar Emmon of Sharp Point is a noble House of the Narrow Sea of Andal descent. While initially sworn to House Durrandon of Storm's End, they have become more close to House Targaryen of Dragonstone and become one of the first houses to switch sides during the War of Conquest. Their sigil is a leaping blue swordfish on fretty silver on white. Their words are Faith Through Fire The founder ...
Iwan Bar Emmon | Forum of Thrones Wikia | Fandom
Ser Iwan Bar Emmon is a character in Book 1 and 2. He is a knight and the eldest son of Lord Michael Bar Emmon, which makes him the heir of Sharp Point. Though his father is nominally sworn to House Durrandon, he, alongside fellow lord Triston Massey change their allegiances to House Targaryen in the early stages of the War of Conquest. Iwan is described as a man with dark brown hair (half of ...
House Musgood | Forum of Thrones Wikia | Fandom
House Musgood of Musgood is a noble house from the Stormlands, sworn to House Durrandon. Their seat, Musgood, is located at the main road through the Stormlands, connecting Storm's End all the way to Catsclaw in the eastern Reach. Their sigil is Quarterly: A golden pavilion on a blue field, a green laurel crown on a white field and their words are To Victory. House Musgood was founded by Andal ...
War of Conquest | Forum of Thrones Wikia | Fandom
House Bar Emmon and House Massey, long disillusioned with the waning reign of the Storm Kings, break their oaths of fealty to Argilac Durrandon and openly side with House Targaryen. In Blackwater Bay, numerous smaller houses immediately swear fealty to the new king, giving him a solid power base from which to launch the rest of his campaign.
House Massey | Forum of Thrones Wikia | Fandom
House Massey of Stonedance is a noble house of the Crownlands sworn to House Targaryen of Dragonstone. Theit lands are located at Massey's Hook. While they were nominally vassals of House Durrandon for centuries, their closer ties to Dragonstone have made them turn to Aegon's side. Their sigil is a triple spiral; red, green and blue on white and Ever Onwards House Massey is a house of First ...
House Cafferen | Forum of Thrones Wikia | Fandom
House Cafferen of Fawntown is a noble house from the Stormlands sworn to House Durrandon. Their seat, Fawntown, is a modestly sized township in the southern Stormlands on the edge of the Dornish Marches, leading some to consider House Cafferen Marcher Lords in all but name. Their sigil are two white fawns counter salient, on a green field and their words are From Fields To Fortune House ...
House Darklyn | Forum of Thrones Wikia | Fandom
House Darklyn of Dun Fort is a noble house that rules over the town of Duskendale, one of the major trading ports in the Narrow sea. Though originally sworn to House Hoare, they are among the first houses in Westeros to yield to House Targaryen after their lord is killed in the battle known as Aegon's First Test Their sigil is a field of sable and gold diamonds upon a pale red. Their words are ...
House Follard | Forum of Thrones Wikia | Fandom
House Follard of Folly Peak is a noble house from the Crownlands, sworn to House Targaryen. Their seat, Folly Peak, is located three day's rides away from Duskendale. Their sigil is a gyronny of twelve red and white; on a gold canton, a two-peaked fool's cap of red and white. Their words are None So Wise. House Follard traces its origins …
House Celtigar | Forum of Thrones Wikia | Fandom
House Celtigar of Claw Isle is a noble house of the Crownlands sworn to House Targaryen. Their seat is Claw Isle, north of Dragonstone, a large island close to Crackclaw Point, which House Celtigar also lays claim to. Their sigil is a field of red crabs strewn on white. Their words are Might In Our Grasp House Celtigar is the oldest house of …
House Grandison | Forum of Thrones Wikia | Fandom
House Grandison of Grandview is a noble house from the Stormlands, sworn to House Durrandon. Their lands are located near the border with the Reach. Their sigil is a black sleeping lion on a yellow field. Their words are Rouse Me Not. House Grandison descends from a First Men hero Grandison the Black, who lived in the late days of the Andal Invasion. At the time, Grandison was rumoured to be ...
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