Is it "a honor" or "an honor"? is h silent in this word in American ...
May 24, 2015 · I read a tweet of President Obama: An honor to address the Coast Guard class of 2015. Confident they'll help us meet big challenges like climate change. Is h a silent letter in …
One single word for honour killing - English Language & Usage …
Jul 12, 2014 · In this framework, honor-killing as a term meaning "killing for honor" is an oxymoron. A definition that would match the parts of the phrase at hand would be "the killing of …
A man who keeps his word - English Language & Usage Stack …
Feb 5, 2018 · true to your word: keeping a sincere promise: True to his word, he paid back the money he borrowed from us. Another expression would be "a man of his word", as has been …
Milder synonyms of "honored" in the "I'm honored" sense
Jun 8, 2017 · If the President decides to thank me by sending me a letter, that would be an 'honor' but not a 'privilege'. What I'm looking for is the word to use when my kind but not "important" …
Etymology behind "tim-" words involving honor and "tim-" words ...
Words like timocracy (a form of government based on ambition for honor) and Timothy (honor to God) come from time, which means "honor" or "worth." According to Etymonline, timid (easily …
word usage - Honorary gifts? - English Language & Usage Stack …
Oct 25, 2012 · The word honoraria is used to convey gifts or payments made in this sense: a payment in recognition of acts or professional services for which custom or propriety forbids a …
word usage - What is the gender-neutral way of saying …
Oct 12, 2020 · A gender-neutral way to refer to a "gentlemen's agreement" in English is to say "informal agreement" or "word of honor." Both terms convey the same idea without assuming …
grammaticality - When should I use "a" versus "an" in front of a …
Aug 13, 2010 · The point of the word an is to avoid the awkward silent pause between words when saying something like "a apple." So, you should put an before any word that begins with …
Why did Australian English change from spelling words like …
Sep 21, 2011 · However, recently I've been reading old newspaper reports from the early 1900s and have consistently found them writing color, honor, etc. I wonder if anyone knew when and …
Is there a word or phrase for giving something to a highly …
The word bestow comes to mind. to convey as a gift —usually used with on or upon. The university bestowed on her an honorary degree. Google: Confer or present (an honor, right, or …