胡洪营-清华大学环境学院 - Tsinghua University
围绕再生水水质保障与安全利用这一核心目标,通过主持和承担国家杰出青年基金项目、自然科学基金面上及重大国际合作项目、国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)课题、国家科技攻关计划课题等国家级科研项目,针对污水再生处理和再生水利用过程中的健康与生态风险产生机制、控制技术原理以及再生水生态毒性评价等开展了较为系统、深入的研究,提出了“水质生物风险与 …
Hong-Ying HU | Professor (Full) | PhD - ResearchGate
Hong-Ying Hu currently works at the School of Environment, Tsinghua University. Hong-Ying does research in Environmental Engineering, Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering and Their current...
HU Hongying-School of Environment - 清华大学
Feng-min Li, Hong-Ying Hu. Isolation and Characterization of a Novel Antialgal Allelochemical from Phragmites communis. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2005, 71(11): 6545-6553.
HongYing HU - Google Scholar
Y Hong, HY Hu, X Xie, A Sakoda, M Sagehashi, FM Li. Aquatic toxicology 91 (3), 262-269, 2009. 258: ... RA Deeb, HY Hu, JR Hanson, KM Scow, L Alvarez-Cohen. Environmental science & technology 35 (2), 312-317, 2001. 238: 2001: Growth and nutrient removal properties of a freshwater microalga Scenedesmus sp. LX1 under different kinds of nitrogen ...
Hydrodynamic tearing of bacteria on nanotips for sustainable …
Sep 15, 2023 · We show that mild water flow (e.g. driven from a storage tank) can efficiently tear up bacteria through a high dispersion force between the nanotip surface and the cell envelope. Bacterial cell...
胡洪营-清华大学秀钟书院 - Tsinghua University
Tong Xin, Zhang Zi-Wei, Wu Yin-Hu, Bai Yuan, Nozomu Ikuno, Ishii Kazuki, Hu Hong-Ying (2022) Ultrafiltration significantly increased the scaling potential of municipal secondary effluent on...
胡洪营 - 百度百科
胡洪营,清华大学环境学院环境生物学教研所教授、 国家环境保护环境微生物利用与安全控制重点实验室 主任,清华大学秀钟书院院长, [27] 国家杰出青年科学基金 与 国家级教学名师奖 获得者 [8]。 在科研方面,主要从事再生水安全利用研究,兼任国际标准化组织城镇水回用委员会 (ISO TC282 SC2 )主席 [1] 、国际水协 (IWA)再生水专家组成员、中国环境科学学会水处理与回用专 …
Hong-Ying Hu - Research.com
Hong-Ying Hu performs integrative study on Algae and Aquatic plant in his works. His most cited work include: Effect of carbon source on the denitrification in constructed wetlands (137 citations)
Hongying Hu's research works | Tsinghua University, Beijing (TH) …
Hongying Hu's 16 research works with 229 citations and 946 reads, including: Urea removal for ultrapure water production by VUV/UV/chlorine under acidic aqueous conditions: Facile elimination...
胡洪营 - School of Environment, Tsinghua University - AMiner
围绕再生水水质保障与安全利用这一核心目标,通过主持和承担国家杰出青年基金项目、自然科学基金面上及重大国际合作项目、国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)课题、国家科技攻关计划课题等国家级科研项目,针对污水再生处理和再生水利用过程中的健康与生态风险产生机制、控制技术原理以及再生水生态毒性评价等开展了较为系统、深入的研究,提出了“水质生物风险与 …