Hokto Kinoko Company, USA
4 Reasons why Hokto's Kinoko is good for you. Discover a new taste of health with Hokto Kinoko’s 100% USDA organic mushrooms. Explore our delicious mushroom varieties and learn
What's Kinoko | Hokto Kinoko Company
We engage in production and sales of four types of mushroom - Bunashimeji (Brown beech mushrooms), Bunapi® (White beech mushrooms), Eryngii mushrooms (King trumpet) and …
Hokto Kinoko
Maximize the benefits of our mushrooms with these delicious recipes! Every recipe has. been specially curated by professional chefs to meet your health needs. Try them out now! Meet our …
Hokuto’s Kinoko (Mushrooms) | Hokuto Corporation
Our staple bunashimeji mushrooms undergo daily evolution, and are currently in their 8th generation. A mushroom featuring a novel jelly-like consistency that glides down smoothly …
Bunashimeji | Hokto Kinoko Company
Hokto’s Kinoko is Clean and Ready-to-Cook Eat Bunashimeji in clusters or individually separated. Simply trim off the base of the cluster and they are clean and ready-to-cook. Hokto’s kinoko do …
きのこの豊富な栄養素をスポーツをする身体に! 北村晴男弁護士がきのこ料理に挑戦する特別動画を公開。
HOKTO - 公司簡介 - hokto-kinoko.com.tw
日本總公司於1964年創設了以販賣食品包裝資材為主的HOKTO Corporation,當時新潟發生了規模7.5級的強大地震,藉此契機率先發明了不會破裂的聚丙烯 (PP, polypropylene) 菇類栽培瓶, …
Hokuto Corporation|Japan’s Comprehensive Mushroom …
View the basic information of Hokuto Corporation – a comprehensive mushroom producer. Hokuto’s mushrooms are also manufactured at four overseas locations. Spreading the benefits …
HOKTO - 溫菇知新 - hokto-kinoko.com.tw
菇菇就是含有這麼多豐富營養素,可以為大家提高睡眠品質,同時幫助解除過年肥危機。 加碼傳授日常生活小訣竅,打造易瘦體質! 最後,除了培養多吃菇菇的飲食習慣之外,再加碼介紹3個 …
Japan Technology - Hokto Kinoko Company, USA
In Japan, Hokto develops healthy foods and dietary supplements to contribute to life science. Hokto is the biggest Kinoko (mushroom) company in Japan. Do you know Japan’s Best Global …