Headquarters Battalion will conduct aggressive training, while preparing our small-unit leaders at every level, demonstrate balanced excellence in each endeavor and uphold the history, traditions & ethos of our Marine Corps in order to support the Division for any contingency.
Contact Us - 2nd Marine Division
For any improvements to the Headquarters Battalion website or general inquiries, please contact the S-6 at 2MarDiv_HQBn_S6@usmc.mil Headquarters Battalion (Bldg 320) is located at the intersection of Holcomb Blvd and Julian C. Smith Rd (aka River Road).
Contact Us - 2nd Marine Division
2D Marine Division PSC BOX 20003 Camp Lejeune, NC 28542-0003 Command Duty Officer. Phone: (910) 451-8319 DSN: 751-8319
Headquarters Battalion welcomes new commander > 2nd Marine …
Aug 8, 2012 · The Marines and sailors of Headquarters Battalion welcome Higgins, who recently completed a tour with the Combined Forces Special Operations Component Command – Afghanistan, as their new commanding officer.
Headquarters Truck Co. rolls out > 2nd Marine Division > Article
May 12, 2005 · CAMP RAMADI, AR RAMADI, Iraq - Marines with Truck Company, Headquarters Battalion, 2nd Marine Division, hit targets from their humvee during a live fire and maneuver exercise, May 12, designed specifically to combat the insurgency.
Colonel Garrett L. Benson > 2nd Marine Division > Biography
Benson assumed duties as the Battalion Logistics Officer of First Battalion, Tenth Marines. He also commanded Headquarters Battery, deploying in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom as the Reports Officer for the II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward) Iraqi Security Force Directorate.
History - 2nd Marine Division
During World War II, the 2nd Marine Division (Headquarters) participated in authorized operations and engagements in the Pacific Theater of Operations: The Battle of Guadalcanal, in the Solomon Islands campaign — 4 January to 8 February 1943.
2d Marine Division
Oct 11, 2024 · The mission of the 2d Marine Division (2d MARDIV) is to generate, train, and certify forces in order to conduct expeditionary operations in support of II Marine Expeditionary Force (II MEF) campaign objectives and crisis response tasking.
Following its Companies, 2d Tank Battalion ... - 2nd Marine Division
Marines and Sailors from 2d Tank Battalion (2d Tanks), 2d Marine Division (2d MARDIV), conducted a deactivation ceremony here on May 5, 2021, signifying the end of 2d Tanks’ service in the United States Marine Corps.
SgtMaj Brent Sheets > 2nd Marine Division > Biography
In April of 2011, Sergeant Major Sheets reported to Truck Company, Headquarters Battalion, 1st Marine Division, Camp Pendleton, CA, where served as Operations Chief and Platoon Sergeant.