Constant Head Pressure - Feels Like My Head Is Going To Explode
Feb 6, 2007 · welcome to the forum, marissa. i had no idea that the pressure was another ptsd thing. sometimes i feel faint, too, but i usually just stand still for a few sec's and it passes. i notice a lot of the time that the back of my head feels "funny". i thought maybe all of it was some kind of side effect from the med. cathy
A Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Complex PTSD (CPTSD) forum community for those affected by traumatic events.
Relationship - I Guess We Just Broke Up
Nov 4, 2014 · It could well be because you are so level headed. He may feel very comfortable with you because you aren't reacting (I think) as if this is affecting you which may make you 'safe' to him. I liked your idea of having him come to you when you go …
Do You Feel Trapped Inside Your Head? | My PTSD / CPTSD Forum
Dec 28, 2008 · Trapped outside my head I don't really feel locked in my head at all to be perfectly honest. I totaly feel trapped outside my head. I feel like more time is spent in hypervigillance mode trying to watch out for things that are going to kill me than on internal thought. Although when i sleep and take meds sometimes i get what I call "Stuck" in a ...
Feels Like My Heart Stops, I Jolt Awake. Extremely Terrifying
Jun 1, 2013 · Everything was great! So the conclusion is it that its anxiety related. So far, in my experience from treatment to this point: It feels worse, but it's actually getting better. Your awareness and willingness to tackle your trauma is UP and that's probably what you are going through right now. But its also what is showing signs of PROGRESS.
Feeling as if shrinking? - My PTSD / CPTSD Forum
Jul 29, 2011 · I feel something similar to all this, but to me it's like my head stays the same and the rest of my body shrinks away. If I'm sitting up it seems like i literally "take a backseat to my life" like as if my conciousness is farther behind me. Or when i'm laying down my body shrinks away from me. Seems to happen when trying to relax or calm myslef.
Feeling Like a Ping-Pong Ball - My PTSD / CPTSD Forum
Dec 30, 2008 · My head feels like it is swimming in a pool of chaos, confusion, and fogginess. I'm hurtin' all over. I feel like I am just residing in a body, an empty shell that is jerked around by everything around it, controlled by outside "forces" and I guess also "inside roots" that take me everywhere, but where I want to go. I feel like a bungie spring.
Is This Real? | My PTSD / CPTSD Forum
Apr 21, 2010 · Sometimes I feel as if none of this really happened. I feel like I am making it up in my head. I remember it happening...but I my mind also doubts it happened. My head feels like it is going explode with all the competing thoughts and contradictions.
HELP! Today's therapy session went horribly wrong. Panic during a ...
Dec 19, 2024 · I like you have a lovely hubby who brings me back to reality, holding my hand all night but he needs sleep as he is the bread winner. Even my GP is frustrated by the lack of support. I'm now waiting for a space in group therapy ( again I can do this course 3 times before moving on if it's not for me) it just feels like they are wasting my time.
Dissociate but only for a few seconds | My PTSD / CPTSD Forum
Feb 24, 2025 · It's not a weird memory thing that occurs over time rather I notice this gap right after it occurs. It feels like some weird gray area where it may not be dissociation or it's not in the traditional sense so I've never really been able to talk to a counselor about it or they didn't have much of anything to say.