Support Services Bureau – Animal Control
If you are missing any livestock, call Hays County Animal Control. Just a reminder to all of our dog owners, Hays County has an animal restraint law: Your dog must be restrained at all times by fence, chain, or leash .
Sep 16, 2014 · Hays County Disbursements Report Fund Requirements for Fund 001 - General Fund Disbursement Date 9/16/2014 to 9/16/2014 Department Vendor Invoice Date GL Account Number ... CO WIDE TEXAS DISPOSAL SYSTEMS, INC. 9/1/2014 0011200001 $30.69 TRASH SVC:PHLTH/WIC TORRES, CHRISTINA 8/28/2014 0012010607 $61.97 …
hays county commissioners' court minutes volume v pg 373 ***** ***** april 22, 2014 state of texas * county of hays * on this the 22nd day of april a.d., 2014, the commissioners' court of hays county, texas, met in regular meeting. the following members were present, to-wit:
hays county commissioners' court minutes . volume u page 96 ***** ***** april 28, 2009 . 26090 accept donated funds in the amount of $550.00 for the hays county sheriff’s office jr. deputy program to be deposited in line item 28-467-5222 (crime prevention program)
May 24, 2016 · Hays County — RUN-OFF PRIMARY — May 24, 2016 Total Number of Voters : 1,341 of 108,615 = 1.23% Precincts Reporting 49 of 49 = 100.00% Page 1 of 9 05/31/2016 02:17 PM RAILROAD COMMISSIONER REP - REPUBLICAN Precinct Absentee Ballots Cast Early Ballots Cast Election Ballots Cast Total Ballots Cast Gary Gates Totals
Youth 12-15 now eligible for Pfizer vaccine with parental consent
May 13, 2021 · Our County; Public Offices. Auditor's Office. Auditor FAQS; Home; Auditor's Reports; Financial Transparency; Auditor -Quick LInks; County Commissioners. County Judge
San Marcos Man Sentenced to 80 Years for Child Pornography
Aug 18, 2021 · Our County; Public Offices. Auditor's Office. Auditor FAQS; Home; Auditor's Reports; Financial Transparency; Auditor -Quick LInks; County Commissioners. County Judge
Montana as Deputy Constable in the Hays County Constable Precinct 1 Office, effective date January 19, 2016. All voting “Aye”. MOTION PASSED. 31240 APPROVE THE REAPPOINTMENT OF PAUL TERRY TO THE ESD #5 FOR AN ADDITIONAL TWO YEAR TERM . Paul Terry has agreed to serve a twoyear term beginning January 1, 2016 and ending …