Han Solo (Hoth) - Archive Line | Rebelscum.com Forums
Sep 25, 2020 · Han Solo (Hoth) Archive line Wave 1 2021 Press images. From livestream. Spoiler: Last edited: Sep 25, 2020.
Han Solo (Hoth Outfit) - VTAC | Page 3 | Rebelscum.com Forums
Jan 24, 2007 · Re: Han Solo (In Hoth Outfit) - VTAC well, judging on how good hasbro's been with details of late (luke with vader's hilt, anyone)... i wouldn't get your...
Han Solo - POTF2 (LFL50) - Rebelscum.com Forums
Jun 17, 2021 · Han Solo - POTF2 (Lucasfilm 50th Anniversary). and Exclusive. MSRP is $26.49. Available for pre-order on Friday June 18 at approximately 1pm EST at Pulse here. On shelf Fall 2021. As we continue to celebrate Lucasfilm’s 50th Anniversary, we wanted to get the iconic Power of The Force...
Hoth Han Solo & Hoth Luke Skywalker - MS15 | Page 5
Oct 9, 2014 · The bootleg Han in particular has a much softer and more dead-eyed face sculpt and I've found this is the easiest way to tell the two versions apart in listings. The paint on the Luke tends to be duller in person as well but that's harder to notice on ebay.
Moulded Legs Hoth Han Solo? | Rebelscum.com Forums
Apr 29, 2006 · The Hoth rebel soldier has a moulded leg variation, one of which I have carded, it too is on a 31 back, so I think maybe Kenner used that process around that time, and probably switched before the 31b vacks, or 32 backs were released, which would make sense as to why they are a scarcer variation.
Han Solo w/ painted legs - one of the most valuable Kenner …
Feb 23, 2014 · Molded leg Hoth Han (loose) generally goes for between $60 - $75, so if the painted leg Han Solo variant is fetching upwards of $200, it's clear that the demand on this one has risen. It's also a testament to the obsessive nature of Star Wars collectors that small variations like this are commanding big bucks!!!
Han Solo hoth variation? - Rebelscum.com Forums
Mar 7, 2012 · Hoth Han is one of my favorite loose figures to collect because of all the subtle variations that are out there. Pink face, pale face, tan face, dark brown legs, light brown legs, tan legs, greenish legs, and of course the famous molded legs!
Hoth Han Solo & Hoth Luke Skywalker - MS15 | Rebelscum.com …
Oct 9, 2014 · In the legends line we had a brand new Han which is now going to be the backbone of all future Han sculpts as the new bespin Han has shown us. The new stromtrooper sculpt is likewise the basis of the new Luke stormtrooper.
Hoth Han Solo - Search for Luke - Rumour | Rebelscum.com Forums
Jan 28, 2014 · Status - Rumour According to the rumour list jedinews.co.uk have posted we'll be seeing a new Hoth Han Solo figure in the near future.
Han Solo (Hoth) & R-3PO - Droid Factory - 3 of 6
Feb 17, 2008 · Re: Han Solo (Hoth) & K-3PO - Droid Factory - 3 of Ha Ha! Hasbro have finally done it; got most of you to sign up to a mere repaint just MONTHS after it was first released at £9.99 ($9.99). It was always going to take skill, but Hasbro have you all GLAD at a repack/repaint of something that...