Q-Code QRA QRB QRG QRK QRL QRM QRN QRO QRP QRQ QRS QRT QRV QRX QRZ QSA QSB QSK QSL QSO Used as a Question What is the name of your station? How far approximately are you from my
Miscellaneous Codes Uses and Meanings. AM. Amplitude Modulation, Class of radio transmission composed of a carrier and two sidebands. Transmit Freq. and Transmit Power stays the same when sound is made. Carrier power is constantly being transmitted when PTT button is in. FM. Frequency Modulation, Transmit power stays same, Transmit Freq. shifts to
Q-signals are a set of abbreviations for common information that save time and allow communication between operators who don’t speak a common language. Modern ham radio uses them extensively. The table below lists the most common Q-signals used by hams.
CW = Morse code; RTTY = radioteletype. COMMON HAM RADIO Q SIGNALS Hams use three-letter Q signals on every mode and even in face-to-face conversation. Here are the Q signals most commonly used in day-to-day operation. Each signal can be a question or an answer, as shown in the Meaning column. A complete list of ham radio Q signals,
D = Delta Q = Quebec E = Echo R = Romeo F = Foxtrot S = Sierra G = Golf T = Tango H = Hotel U = Uniform I = India V = Victor J = Juliet W = Whiskey K = Kilo X = X-ray L = Lima Y = Yankee M = Mike Z = Zulu The RST System Readability 1 – Unreadable 2 - Barely readable, occasional words distinguishable.
Ham Radio Q Codes - fieldradio.org Code Question Answer QRA What is the name (or call sign) of your station? The name (or call sign) of my station is ... QRB How far are you from my station? The distance between our stations is ... nautical miles (or km). QRG Will you tell me my exact frequency (or that of ...)? Your exact frequency (or that ...
Web browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox and Safari all have integrated PDF readers. This document contains useful information about Amateur Radio Q-Codes, International Morse Code, International Phonetic Alphabet (Spelling), the RST System …
QRT Shall I cease or suspend operation?/ shutoff the radio I am suspending operation. /shutting off the radio QRU Have you anything for me? I have nothing for you. QRV Are you ready? I am ready. QRW Shall I inform ... that you are calling him on ... kHz (or MHz)? Please inform ... that I am calling him on ... kHz (or MHz).
Handbook for Radio Operators listed over a hundred Q codes, covering a wide range of subjects including radio procedures, meteorology, radio direction finding, and search and rescue.
RAE-Lessons by 4S7VJ Q-CODES USEFULL FOR RADIO AMATEURS Q-CODE QUESTIONS ANSWERS OR ADVICE QRA What is the name of your station? The name of my station is...