are there any good mods for this game? : r/HadesTheGame - Reddit
Mar 6, 2023 · The size of a game's modding community depends both on the desire to mod it and the ease of moddability. Barring some exceptions, most Hades mods are largely QOL mods and number-fudging because things like custom animations, enemies, outfits, etc. are quite hard because the game uses a sprite-based system that derives from 3D models.
Hades modding and discord : r/HadesTheGame - Reddit
Jan 24, 2020 · Yes, mostly LUA scripting. Right now the modding community for Hades is just starting out, later on there will surely be increasingly complex and cool mods. There are other cool mods which Cheat Engine can't really do without spending a lot of time tho, do look for yourself.
Playing Hades with mods on a Steamdeck : r/HadesTheGame
Jun 5, 2023 · The Steamdeck is great for any controller-heavy game, and boy is Hades one of them. Also, should the need for mouse arrive, holding the Steam button allows you to use the track-pad like in desktop mode. And that can come in handy for some of these mods. Mods used: Mod Utility and Mod Importer (Link, Link) These are your basic mod manager mods.
Do you use mods? What's your favorite? : r/HadesTheGame - Reddit
Jun 25, 2021 · I have finished all the story and was just doing runs to get gems for the furniture. Got really bored after 40 hours of grinding and installed a mod that makes everything in the contractor shop free. I was very pleased but I also was amazed at how many Hades mods exist. Do you guys recommend any?
Installing mods on the Steam version of Hades : r/HadesTheGame
Feb 22, 2022 · Yeah, unfortunately there aren't many mods to begin with imo and of the two chaos mods I tried yesterday, one corrupted my save (was thanking every god in existence that I back absolutely everything up beforehand), and the other crashed as soon as I attacked anything.
Hades mods on deck : r/SteamDeck - Reddit
Dec 9, 2022 · Mod Importer has a linux version which you can run on the deck to install the mods to Hades. Another way to get mods to work on Hades is to install them on your PC, then copy the "Content" folder (right click Hades on Steam, Manage -> Browse local files) on your PC and replace the "Content" folder on your deck with it.
(MODS) Room Manager Lua error : r/HadesTheGame - Reddit
Jul 28, 2022 · My mods are: Befriend Theseus and Asterius, Better Bow, Chef Cuisine l, Darkness Increase, Hades Room Secret Indicator, Mirror of Night Extended, ModUtil, Olympus Extra, Remove Low Health UI, Resources Scale With Heat, and ofc the mod importer.
Mods not activating : r/HadesTheGame - Reddit
Sep 27, 2023 · C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Hades\Content\Mods My guess is that you need to make sure there aren't any subfolders for the mods you're trying to install. In other words, make sure when you open the …
Can't for the life of me get mods to work : r/HadesTheGame - Reddit
Aug 2, 2022 · Here is the dump Cleaning edits... (if there are issues validate/reinstall files) Audio\FMOD\Build\Desktop\VO.fsb Audio\FMOD\Build\Desktop\VO.h Audio\FMOD\Build\Desktop\VO.txt Game\Animations\Fx.sjson Game\Animations\GUIAnimations.sjson Game\Animations\ObstacleAnimations.sjson …
Best mods for hades? : r/HadesTheGame - Reddit
Sep 24, 2022 · Related Hades Action role-playing game Role-playing video game Action game Gaming forward back r/ethoslab A place for fans of YouTube Minecraft Let's Player EthosLab!