Grameen America
Grameen America Announces Plan to Invest $40 Billion of Capital in Underserved Women Entrepreneurs by 2033
Our Program — Grameen America
Grameen America provides access to affordable business capital by offering first-time loans starting at no more than $2,500. As part of the program, members receive financial education, peer support, and make weekly loan deposits.
Grameen America
We at Grameen America want to help you get your business off the ground. We offer micro loans starting at $500 and help make credit score building, savings programs and financial education more accessible to women.
Recent News — Grameen America
Grameen America Announces Plan to Invest $40 Billion of Capital in Underserved Women Entrepreneurs by 2033
Member Inquiry Landing Page — Grameen America
Grameen America is the fastest growing nonprofit microfinance organization in the United States with a proven national solution to advance financial inclusion for women. We provide small loans, training and support to women to help them build businesses, achieve higher family incomes and revitalize their communities.
Request A Loan (Spanish) — Grameen America
Grameen América es una organización de microfinanzas sin fines de lucro que proporciona pequeños préstamos como capital para ayudar a las mujeres a desarrollar actividades generadoras de ingresos.
Our Impact — Grameen America
LOS ANGELES, CA. 20,555 Members Served. $402,764,700 Loans Disbursed . AUSTIN, TX. 5,012 Members Served. $93,170,670 Loans Disbursed . FRESNO, CA. 1,422 Members ...
Careers — Grameen America
Grameen America embraces differences in race, religion, gender, disability, nationality, age, sexual orientation, ethnic background, and more. We are firm believers in the value of the unique contributions that spring from everyone’s diverse work and life experiences.
Blog — Grameen America
Our team has visited Maria, a florist in Jackson Heights, NY, at various steps of her entrepreneurial journey to document her business growth. Since 2011, Grameen America has supported Maria through 27 loans, totaling $200,000 in loan capital invested in her thriving flower business. Read More
Philanthropic Partners — Grameen America
Grameen America is deeply grateful for a $1.5 million grant from Truist Foundation to empower Black women entrepreneurs. The dedicated program will offer loan capital, financial training, and asset and credit building tools to Black women small business owners.