The City of Goshen - Small Town in Kentucky
The City of Goshen is nestled between scenic highway 42 and Harmony Lake, about six miles north of Prospect and just a couple of miles southeast of the Ohio River. Founded in 1990, our current population is 950 and the City has been an official 5th class city since April of 2003.
CITY OF GOSHEN COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES. November 18, 2024. The special meeting of the City of Goshen Commission was called to order at 7:00 PM by Mayor Bobby Thacker at Sojourn Church North, 12001 US 42, Goshen, KY with the following members present: Bobby Thacker Mayor 1014 Rollingwood Lane
WHEREAS, the present general and permanent ordinances of the City of Goshen, Kentucky ("City") should be arranged and classified to enhance the general welfare of the City and for the proper conduct of its affairs; and WHEREAS, the Acts of the Legislature of the Commonwealth of Kentucky empower and authorize the
City of Goshen Resident P.O. Box 112 Goshen, KY 40026 City of Goshen Resident Route 3 Goshen, KY 40026 For Info: www.OldhamCountyPolice.com Moms and Dad’s to take a picture. map/route with approximate times is also December is, without a doubt, the busiest time of year for ole St Nick and his elves. Thanksgiving marks the end of Santa’s
the corporate limits of the city of goshen kentucky, and for the levy AND COLLECTION OF AD VALOREM TAXES THEREON TO BE USED FOR GENERAL CITY PURPOSES DURING THE FISCAL YEAR OF JULY 1, 2023, TO JUNE 30, 2024.
In addition to City of Goshen ordinance 91.23 the county has an enforceable law of no parking within 30 feet of a stop sign, no parking in curves and no parking in intersections.
Code Enforcement – The City of Goshen is working with Louisville Code Enforcement and Mediation LLC, to help ensure our neighborhood remains safe, clean, and enjoyable for all residents. If you happen to receive an envelope, in the mail, with the LCEM logo (picture to the right), please know that it is valid and should not be ignored.
City of Goshen Resident P.O. Box 112 Goshen, KY 40026 City of Goshen Resident Route 3 Goshen, KY 40026 For Info: 4th of July Event for Oldham County Spend Thursday, July4th at Wendell Moore Park for pool games at the aquatic center & top of your celebration with a spectacular fireworks display over the lake beginning at 10pm! Bring your chairs and
The City of Goshen’s (the City) discussion and analysis provides an overview of the City’s financial activities for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2021. Since this information is designed to focus on the current year activities, resulting
City of Goshen Resident P.O. Box 112 Goshen, KY 40026 City of Goshen Resident Route 3 Goshen, KY 40026 For Info: www.OldhamCountyPolice.com Because of the different ways people experience parks, cities need to provide all types, from neighborhood facilities to large natural areas. In fact, many health benefits can be best achieved