Gorget - Wikipedia
Gorget in a full suit of armour. In the High Middle Ages, when mail was the primary form of metal body armour used in Western Europe, the mail coif protected the neck and lower face. In this …
File:Nazi Germany uniforms etc. RAD Reichsarbeitsdienst ...
Jul 24, 2019 · RAD forces helped org.Todt in German occupied Norway during World War II. Gorget patches/collar tabs (Kragenspiegel) with silvergrey thread Litzen (officers' "double …
Gorget - Military Wiki | Fandom
A gorget /ˈɡɔrdʒɨt/, from the French gorge meaning throat, was originally a band of linen wrapped around a woman's neck and head in the medieval period,[2][3] or the lower part of a simple …
File:Uniform tunic of WW2 German Wehrmacht front gendarm, gorget …
May 17, 2019 · File:German WW2 Military Police sign-gorget ("Feldgendarmerie Ringkrage") with bullet holes from execution in liberated POW camp near Saltfjellet. Lofoten …
File:WW2 Norway. Hirden of NS (Nasjonal Samling, Nazi party
May 16, 2019 · English: WW2 in Norway: Gorget (Norwegian: "vaktskilt") on uniform of Rikshirden, the paramilitary "storm troopers" of Nasjonal Samling (NS),Quisling's fascist party …
A bit of history: The Gorget - Blogger
Originally, gorgets were a metal or stiff leather collar intended to protect the throat and neck. In fact, the term is derived from the French word for throat. In the 18th century, the size of the …
Wintercruise to Geirangerfjord from Ålesund - Fjord Norway
Join us on Winter Fjord cruise to the UNESCO world heritage area of Geiranger - peaceful, raw and wild. View to the Geirangerfjord from Flydalsjuvet gorget | © Fredrik …
Gorget - Plimoth Patuxet Museums
A fine gorget like this was worn around the throat like a necklace and likely conveyed social status or importance. As Wampanoag and other communities settled in defined areas, what might …
Lucky Horseshoe? - Archaeology Magazine Archive
A 2,600-year-old-necklace was recently discovered by a Norwegian beachcomber out for a stroll near Trondenes, about 250 miles north of the Arctic Circle.
Gorget - Museum of Stone Tools
A gorget is a thin, flat, carefully-shaped stone perforated by two or more holes. The term ‘gorget’ is borrowed from a metal European military neck ornament common in the 18th Century. …