Add your logo to Google Workspace
You can use the term "Powered by Google" anywhere on your page and in your logo. Except for "Powered by Google," your logo can't contain the words "Google," "Gmail," or any of Google's …
Set up BIMI - Google Workspace Admin Help
Gmail and other email clients support BIMI only with PEM files. Using a PEM file provides additional security for your logo because it was verified by the CA. If you want to use a …
Menambahkan logo ke Google Workspace
(Opsional) Untuk menyertakan logo di semua situs yang Anda buat dengan Google Sites klasik, centang Tampilkan logo ini di semua Sites klasik yang dibuat pengguna. Klik Simpan. Mungkin …
Dodawanie logo do Google Workspace
Jako administrator możesz dodać logo swojej organizacji do stron niektórych usług Google Workspace, takich jak Gmail, Kalendarz czy Dysk. Logo jest widoczne dla użytkowników u …
Uw logo toevoegen aan Google Workspace
Als beheerder kunt u het logo van uw organisatie toevoegen aan een deel van de Google Workspace-servicepagina's, zoals Gmail, Agenda en Drive. Het logo staat bovenaan het …
Change or remove your logo - Gmail Help - Google Help
Change or remove your logo If you are a company that emails Gmail recipients, you can change the logo that appears with emails your recipients get in their Promotions tab. To have your …
Logo zu Google Workspace hinzufügen
Als Administrator können Sie das Logo Ihrer Organisation den Seiten von Google Workspace-Diensten hinzufügen, z. B. Gmail, Google Kalender und Google Drive. Das Logo ist dann oben …
Logonuzu Google Workspace'e ekleme
Yönetici olarak, kuruluşunuzun logosunu Google Workspace hizmet sayfalarınızdan bazılarına (ör. Gmail, Takvim ve Drive) ekleyebilirsiniz. Logo, hesabınıza eklenen tüm alanlar için her bir …
How to remove Gmail new logo? - Gmail Community - Google Help
Nov 29, 2020 · Google offers an emailing service, and the logo or icon doesn't impact the service. The chief concern for users is whether the service is working or not. This whole thread may …
Ajouter votre logo à Google Workspace
À l'exception de cette mention, votre logo ne doit pas contenir les mots "Google", "Gmail", ni aucun autre nom de marque Google. Veuillez ne pas insérer le logo Google, le logo Gmail, ni …