Godot Engine - Free and open source 2D and 3D game engine
Mar 3, 2025 · Make crisp and performant 2D games with Godot's dedicated 2D rendering engine with real 2D pixel coordinates and 2D nodes. Simple and powerful 3D Godot's 3D nodes give you everything you need to build, animate, and render your 3D worlds and characters.
Download for Windows – Godot Engine
Extract and run. Godot is self-contained and does not require installation. If you run into an issue, check the Troubleshooting page for common issues and their solutions. Windows executables are code-signed by Prehensile Tales B.V.
Introduction to Godot — Godot Engine (3.6) documentation in …
Godot is a general-purpose 2D and 3D game engine designed to support all sorts of projects. You can use it to create games or applications you can then release on desktop or mobile, as well as on the web.
Features - Godot Engine
Make beautiful 3D games for a range of devices, starting from desktop computers and ending with mid-range Android phones. Powered by OpenGL, Godot allows your projects to run on most modern GPUs, including integrated graphics.
Introducción — Documentación de Godot Engine (3.x) en español
Godot Engine es un motor de videojuegos multiplataforma con múltiples características para crear juegos 2D y 3D desde una interfaz unificada. Provee un conjunto exhaustivo de herramientas comunes para que los usuarios puedan enfocarse en crear juegos sin tener que reinventar la rueda.
Godot 简介 — Godot Engine (4.x) 简体中文文档
Godot 是什么? : Godot 是一个通用的 2D 和 3D 游戏引擎,旨在支持各种项目。 你可以用它来创建游戏或应用程序,然后在桌面、手机以及 Web 平台上发布。
License - Godot Engine
Godot Engine is free and open source software released under the permissive MIT license (also named Expat license). This license grants users a number of freedoms: You are free to use Godot Engine, for any purpose; You can study how Godot Engine works and change it
Download Godot preview builds – Godot Engine
Download the latest preview version of the Godot Engine 3 and Godot Engine 4 for Linux, macOS, Windows, or Android
Showcase – Godot Engine
Every year, we make a series of videos highlighting games and projects made with Godot. Watch the full playlist on our YouTube channel.
Godot 简介 — Godot Engine (3.x) 简体中文文档
Godot 是一个通用的 2D 和 3D 游戏引擎,旨在支持各种项目。 你可以用它来创建游戏或应用程序,然后在桌面、手机以及 Web 平台上发布。 你也可以用它来创建主机平台的游戏,尽管你需要很强的编程技能,或者需要一个开发者为你移植游戏。