Lice on baby goat. ?????S - Homesteading Forum
Dec 15, 2005 · You can not get lice from goats. Goat lice are species specific. Even if your goats get bird lice, humans do not get them. I would dust your entire herd with the louse dust. I dust adults and babies alike when I have a problem or when I return from a show. The moms have never gotten sick from licking their kids. Don't put dust on what they eat ...
Treatment for goats w/ lice - Homesteading Forum
Feb 9, 2005 · So for lice we feed a teaspoon of Sulphur powder (yellow fine powder) in each does night feed. Keep doing this till the lice are gone....lice cannot tolerate to live on a goat that has sufficent levels of sulphur. When the lice are gone, 3-4 days, drop the dosage to half a teaspoon every couple of days for the period of the lice time/season.
Goat pour-on thats safe? - Homesteading Forum
Apr 18, 2011 · The pour-on insecticide-synergized formula can be applied topically to livestock and their premises. Controls lice, horn and face flies, and aids in the control of ticks on beef and lactating dairy cattle. Controls lice, horn, stable, deer and face flies, eye gnats and ticks on horses. Controls sheep keds and lice on sheep. Extended Information:
Oh, no! My goats have lice! | Homesteading Forum
Jun 5, 2014 · My Angoras have terrible lice, or had. I bought the book Natural Goat Care and the author recommends yellow sulfur powder-among other things-like maintaining proper copper levels and my lice problem is much less noticeable. Now, all Angoras get sheared twice a year so I already do that but lice just love Angora goats anyway.
question about chickens and goats | Homesteading Forum
Mar 14, 2007 · Lice are species specific. Goats get goat lice, chickens chicken lice, horses horse lice, etc. I'd kinda like to know the safety factor of this as well. We put small fencing on the bottom of all our goat paddock last year to keep the muscovy ducks out.
Kid with goat lice - Homesteading Forum
Mar 1, 2008 · Livestock Forums. Goats
Pygmy goats and lice | Homesteading Forum
May 3, 2018 · Hi, I have had four pygmy goats for 8 years in a well fenced pasture on 1/3rd acre. They have never been out of their enclosure, and there are no other goats in my neighborhood, nor has any human who has had contact with them …
Goat Dandruff? - Homesteading Forum
Mar 15, 2005 · I recommend feeding a good-quality goat mineral free choice with a little bit of kelp mixed in occasionally. I have some recommendations on my website along with a link to my supplier for kelp. Just go to the "care program" page. If it were lice, they would probably have bald spots somewhere.
How to treat goat lice? - Homesteading Forum
Apr 29, 2008 · How to treat goat lice? Jump to Latest Follow 1K views 3 replies 4 participants last post by OneCuteShasta May 1, 2008
Sick and Tired of Lice! | Homesteading Forum
Feb 26, 2007 · We may earn a commission for products purchased through links on this page