GiveDirectly: Send money to people living in poverty
GiveDirectly allows donors to send money directly to people in poverty with no strings attached. Our approach is guided by rigorous evidence of impact and our values of efficiency, …
Cash Aid in the U.S. | GiveDirectly
Giving cash is a direct, dignified, and proven way to reduce poverty Since 2017, GiveDirectly has delivered more than $270 million in unconditional cash transfers to over 220,000 low-income …
Overview on Existing Research on Cash Transfers | GiveDirectly
Dec 22, 2020 · Many people (including us) grew up hearing that “you can’t just give money to poor people.” As it turns out, this view was largely based on anecdote and hearsay; the first …
About GiveDirectly | GiveDirectly
We give cash directly to people living in poverty. GiveDirectly is a nonprofit that lets donors like you send money directly to the world’s poorest households. In doing so, we aim to accelerate …
Cash for Poverty Relief - GiveDirectly
Cash for Poverty Relief GiveDirectly’s program delivering large, one-time transfers directly to households living in extreme poverty. Give now
GiveDirectly: Send money directly to people in poverty
Send money directly to people living in extreme poverty. Direct giving is an efficient, proven, and empowering way to help. Give now
FAQ | GiveDirectly
Answers to your questions about how and why we give cash transfers to the extreme poor.
The power of getting a mobile phone | GiveDirectly
Jun 19, 2023 · Rural poverty in sub-Saharan Africa can mean disconnection. Too poor to afford telephones or travel, some families struggle to keep in touch. Many cannot bank or send …
Give directly and help end poverty - We Study Billionaires
Send money directly to people living in extreme poverty. We can end poverty in our lifetime. Direct giving is an efficient, proven, and empowering way to help. Donate
GiveDirectly UK | GiveDirectly
Our charity number is 1167938. GDUK reclaims Gift Aid which boosts donations by 25p for each £1 donated. Higher and additional rate taxpayers can also reclaim additional tax relief via their …