Geoid - Wikipedia
The geoid (/ ˈ dʒ iː. ɔɪ d / JEE-oyd) is the shape that the ocean surface would take under the influence of the gravity of Earth, including gravitational attraction and Earth's rotation, if other …
What is the geoid? - NOAA's National Ocean Service
The geoid is a model of global mean sea level that is used to measure precise surface elevations. A depiction of the United States geoid. Areas in yellow and orange have a slightly stronger …
What is a Geoid? Why do we use it and where does its shape …
A geoid is the irregular-shaped “ball” that scientists use to more accurately calculate depths of earthquakes, or any other deep object beneath the earth’s surface. Currently, we use the …
Geoid | Definition & Examples | Britannica
Geoid, model of Earth’s size and shape that coincides with mean sea level over the oceans and continues in continental areas as an imaginary sea-level surface. It is everywhere …
What is the geoid? - National Oceanic and Atmospheric …
Jan 30, 2001 · geoid: The equipotential surface of the Earth’s gravity field which best fits, in a least squares sense, global mean sea level. Even though we adopt a definition, that does not …
What Is Geoid In Geography? Understanding the Earth’s Shape
Apr 11, 2023 · Geoid is defined as an equipotential surface of the Earth’s gravity field that coincides with the mean sea level. It is an imaginary surface that closely approximates the …
What is the geoid? | NGS Facts | NGS INFO - About Us | National ...
This irregular shape is called "the geoid," a surface which defines zero elevation. Using complex math and gravity readings on land, surveyors extend this imaginary line through the …
Geoid - Earth's Shape, Gravity, Sea Level | Britannica
The particular equipotential surface that coincides over the oceans with unperturbed mean sea level constitutes the geoid. Under the continents the geoid is not directly accessible but is …
Geoid - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The geoid is the shape that the surface of the oceans would take under the influence of Earth's gravitation and rotation alone, in the absence of other influences such as winds and tides. It …
The Geoid - Hypothetical Mean Sea Level - GIS Geography
The geoid measures mean sea level and gravity. The GRACE and GOCE satellites are providing the most accurate measurements of the geoid to this date.