SOLVED: Fusion 360 Online (Cloud) File Location And How To Find …
Jul 31, 2017 · Solution (Original Question Below): The location is at MyHub.Autodesk360.com. This can be accessed by opening the Data Panel in the Desktop Application, clicking on a folder, then double clicking on the name of the folder at the top of the Data Panel. If you hover over it, it will hint. +++ Orig...
How to download project files from the Cloud
Sep 29, 2016 · Welcome to the Fusion 360 Community! As what @Anonymous. said - those are the two ways you are looking for! I just wanted to expand a bit more about offline mode as I think that is what you are probably looking for. With Fusion, whenever you save a file to the cloud, there is a locally cached version that gets saved automatically.
importing solidworks to fusion 360 - Autodesk Community
Jan 3, 2020 · Im confused and not sure what im doing wrong, would love some help, thanks I also noticed that the icon in the data panel has a yellow "indicator" on the files i cant open, see attached. Solved: Hi Team Im an absolute beginner …
Solved: .IPT files - Autodesk Community
Jan 12, 2017 · After uploading the IPT files to the cloud and try to open it in fusion 360 it opens a webpage https://myhub.autodesk360.com. where I can only view the object but not work on or with it. Is there a way to import it so I can work on it?
Fusion 360 install location on Windows - Autodesk Community
Hi, I have a machine with an SSD, but the Users folder is on a large network drive. It appears Fusion 360 installs itself completely into my Users/username/AppData folder, not in C:/Program Files as is customary. This means all the installed files are on the network drive, which makes Fusion startup much slower than it could be.
How do I download my project files to my computer for a backup
Aug 3, 2018 · Clear local user cache for Fusion 360: How to clear local user cache in Fusion 360; Open all the Fusion 360 designs from a project in Fusion 360 Desktop App Alternatively: select all the designs from a project in your data panel, right-click and "Add to local cache" Create a backup of the files by copying them from your local cache folder "F ...
Can I change the location where local files are stored?
Nov 17, 2015 · Hey Fusion 360 community, I am running Fusion 360 on a PC that has a small 100 GB SSD drive as C:, and a much larger, slower drive D:. I'd like to change the local Fusion 360 storage location from "C:\Users\owner\AppData\Local\Autodesk\Autodesk Fusion 360" to a folder on my drive. Is this possible? I can't seem to find any settings …
Newbie.... Can fusion 360 open native solidedge .par files?
Feb 14, 2015 · Hello all, I'm new to fusion 360 and have a bunch of solidedge files I'd like to open. Is this possible or do I need to save them in another format with solidedge first?
Solved: Importing .3dm File - Autodesk Community
Dec 15, 2021 · In my original message I gave you a web page to go to and see the available formats you can Open (import) using a Fusion 360 Personal License. You must not have looked at it because it clearly says that 3DM is not a supported format with this type of license. I extracted the list from the web page link since you did not look at it.
Export a model from Fusion 360 to SOLIDWORKS 2017 - Autodesk …
Feb 22, 2018 · I converted the file Fusion 360 file to ".stp , .step" and it worked. Open your part or asembly in Fusion 360. Under File -> Export . Select " Name" for the part. Select "STEM (*stp,*step)" under "Type:" option. Select "Location:" where you want to save the file . After the file is converted open SolidWorks under "File" click on "Open"