Fuel Cat - Fuel Catalyst - Fuel Cat - Improving fuel efficiency
FUEL CAT fuel catalyst aids the combustion process by ensuring that fuel is highly uniform, potent, consistent and stable. Just one FUEL CAT is all you need. No maintenance is required and there is no need to change the unit, as it doesn’t dissolve, only alters the fuel.
What is Fuel Cat? - Fuel Cat - Improving fuel efficiency
Fuel Cat not only optimizes burning of fuel, but also keeps the engine clean by leaving no unburned fuel that can then turn into carbon monoxide, unburned hydrocarbon and free carbon (as soot) emerge from the combustion process.
Fuel Catalyst - FAQ - Fuel Cat - Improving fuel efficiency
Fuel Cat not only optimizes burning of fuel, but also keeps the engine clean by leaving no unburned fuel turning into carbon monoxide, unburned hydrocarbon and free carbon (as soot) emerge from the combustion process.
Fuel Savings Calculator - Fuel Cat - Improving fuel efficiency
The following fuel savings are based on an average fuel price of £1.05 per Litre. Autos/Bikes doing 10,000 miles per annum Average 6.6MPL (30MPG) 5% saving = £79.00 per annum.
Fitting Instructions - Fuel Cat - Improving fuel efficiency
Be sure to fit the Fuel Cat as close to the engine’s carburetor or injection pump as possible, otherwise it can be fitted on bulkhead, clips supplied. Ensure the Fuel Cat is fitted to the fuel supply line not return line.
Fuel Cat Archives - Fuel Cat - Improving fuel efficiency
May 8, 2018 · We are proud to announce the recent purchase of 600 Fuel Cat units by the North Wales Fire & Rescue Service. After comprehensive testing, they have purchased the units so they can be fitted to their generators and outboard motors, thereby reducing the need to buy additives.
Contact - Fuel Cat - Improving fuel efficiency
What is Fuel Cat? Fuel Catalyst – FAQ; Fitting Instructions; Fuel Savings Calculator; Test Results; Shop; International Distributers; The White Helmets; Gallery; News and Events; Contact; Search; Menu Menu; Contact. You are here: Home 1 / Contact. Contact Us +44 (0)208 896 9172 +44 (0)208 752 0600. enquiries@fuelcat.co.uk. Postal Address. 100 ...
Test Results - Fuel Cat - Improving fuel efficiency
We like to have scientific proof that can back-up the claimed benefits of using a Fuel Cat system. Click on the following links to open the test results, or right click and choose save-as to download (Please note that the image quality of some of these scan is not very high)
Products Archive - Fuel Cat - Improving fuel efficiency
100 Goldsmith Avenue London W3 6HW. t: +44 (0)208 896 9172 f: +44 (0)208 752 0600. e: enquiries@fuelcat.co.uk
The White Helmets - Fuel Cat - Improving fuel efficiency
Fuel Cat were proud to supply The British Army Royal Signals White Helmets Motorcycle Display Team with our in-tank systems. We initially supplied the systems as a trial for the 1999 season, which was such a success that they are still using Fuel Cat.