Florida Homeschool Laws - HSLDA
Questions about how to homeschool in Florida? Start here for a quick overview: homeschooling laws & requirements, compulsory attendance ages, withdrawal, access to sports & special ed. services, recordkeeping, work permits, jury duty . . .
Home Education Statutes - Florida Department of Education
Statutory requirements relating to home education are listed below: Section 1001.21, Florida Statutes (F.S.) Office of Private School and Home Education Programs Section 1002.01, F.S. Home Education Program Defined Section 1002.20, F.S. K-12 Student and Parent Rights Section 1002.41, F.S. Home Education Programs Section 1003.26, F.S. Enforcement of School …
Parent Home Education Resources - Florida Department of Education
Florida Home School Association (FLHSA) was founded as a way to support modern homeschool families during a time of expansive growth and emerging needs. Florida Parent-Educators Association (FPEA) is an independent organization that exists solely to serve home education families in Florida.
Florida Homeschool Requirements | fpea.com
Home education, as defined by Florida law, is “sequentially progressive instruction of a student directed by his or her parent or guardian in order to satisfy the requirements of Statute 1003.21 and 1002.41.” The law is broad, giving parents quite a …
How to Comply with Florida’s Homeschool Law - HSLDA
Jun 16, 2020 · Are you considering homeschooling your child? You can do it! As you get started, it’s important to make sure you comply with the education laws where you live. This page helps you understand how to homeschool legally in Florida—step-by-step.
Florida Homeschooling
Legal information and support for homeschooling in Florida, including county-specific evaluators/tutors, umbrella schools, support groups, and field trips.
Start Here - Florida Homeschool Association
Free informational brochure about Florida homeschooling, basic legal requirements, and some of resources and services available to Florida families. Some of the most common websites and …
Section 1002.01, Florida Statutes (F.S.), defines home education as the sequentially progressive instruction of a student directed by his/her parent or guardian, in order to satisfy the requirement for compulsory education as defined in s. 1002.20(2), 1003.01(13), and 1003.21(1), F.S. Current law …
Florida Homeschooling Law – How To Start and What to Do
Learn about Florida Homeschooling laws and requirements, including the difference between home education and umbrellas schools, how to file your NOI and more.
How to Homeschool in Florida | fpea.com
Children of all ages are home-educated across the state, and many are entering college straight from their courses of study at home. Link to Florida Statutes (Chapter 1002) is one of five ways to satisfy Florida’s compulsory attendance law.