Flag mashup generator - Code Golf Stack Exchange
Nov 20, 2019 · Flags Mashup Bot is a small Twitter bot that generates a new flag based on two random flags and tweets the result every couple of minutes. Task. Your task is to replicate what the bot does by writing a script or a function based on the following criteria: The input is any two lossless images composed of at least two, but no more than eight colours.
code golf - Country name mashup generator - Code Golf Stack …
Nov 24, 2019 · Flags Mashup Bot is a small Twitter bot that generates a new country name based on two random country names and tweets the result every couple of minutes. Task. Your task is to replicate what the bot does by writing a script or a function based on the following criteria: The input is two country names in English as shown in this page.
code golf - ICS Maritime Flag alphabet - Code Golf Stack Exchange
Mar 5, 2015 · G,W,M,V are based on a 6x6 grid. Bands of G and borders of W shall be 10 pixels wide. Arms of crosses on M and V shall cover the first and last 10 pixels of each edge of the flag, leaving triangle zones measuring 40 pixels along the long edge. The circle of I shall be in the centre of the flag and have diameter 30 pixels.
Avoiding Loops! - Code Golf Stack Exchange
Mar 17, 2024 · Flag mashup generator. 32. Create a Pride Flag. 13. Convert J brackets back to 2-D list. 13. Magic: the ...
Print "abracadabra" with 7 different alterations - code golf
Jan 11, 2024 · Abracadabra is a magic word. To make it even more magical, let's make several alterations to how it may be written: Change the casing for any subset of characters; for example: aBrAcAdAbRa Append an
code golf - How Cloudy Is It? - Code Golf Stack Exchange
Jul 28, 2017 · The direction flag (DF) is assumed to be clear so that we will iterate correctly through the bitmap using the LODSD instruction. This is the same assumption made by most x86 calling conventions, so it seems fair. If you don't like it, add 1 …
code golf - Regular Polygrams - Code Golf Stack Exchange
Oct 13, 2015 · Given the number of vertices n ≥ 3 and the "step size" 1 ≤ m < n/2 (indicating the distance between two connected vertices), output a graphical representation of the corresponding regular polyg...
Getting a Highscore in Kuku Kube - Code Golf Stack Exchange
Apr 15, 2015 · First of all, this is more a challenge, than a serious programming question, I would like to share. Some of you might know the game Kuku kube, where you have to identify a square in a grid, which ...
Print the American Flag! - Code Golf Stack Exchange
Jul 5, 2015 · These lines use the same technique as line 3 to write out the stars and stripes of the flag. Line 12. This line starts a loop that runs 3 times. The loop ends at line 17. Line 13. Writes a strip that goes across the flag. Uses a loop that runs 7 times writing "#" 8 times each time through the loop. Line 14. The start of a loop that runs 2 times ...
Draw the flag of Tennessee - Code Golf Stack Exchange
Oct 15, 2019 · An oblong flag or banner in length one and two thirds times its width, the large or principal field of same to be of color red, but said flag or banner ending at its free or outer end in a perpendicular bar of blue, of uniform width, running from side to side; that is to say, from top to bottom of said flag or banner, and separated from the red ...