2 Gallon “Cookie Jar” Pico Reef by ReefJar
Nov 6, 2015 · just did such a thorough blast cleaning on my bowl, that I flipped a six inch sandbed top to bottom in one session and had no recycle. when I clean, im darn near mean about it and my tank just complies..going into second decade now picos that have hands off as a care method wont make it to the 4th yr, el fabs thread at the top shows lol
HELP: fire shrimp not moving - Invertebrate Forum - Nano-Reef …
Apr 24, 2012 · I've had two fire shrimp in my 28 gallon with a tail spot blenny for well over a year. I would have to say they are very hardy. Ive gone multiple months without water changes, slacked on filter floss changes and frankly dont really test . …
What are the chances of a fire fish would jump out of a tank?
Jan 27, 2010 · Fire fish are very skiddish little fish. Mine gets spooked and goes right to its bolt hole. One thing that may be the saving grace for this little fish is that from anywhere in the tank it can get to its bolt hole very easily.
Fire Shrimp & Harlequin Shrimp compatability? - Nano-Reef …
May 20, 2008 · Additionally, would having three Fire shrimp in the same aquarium (60 gallon) be a problem? I currently have a pair of Fire Shrimp in there but I think if there were territorial disputes or aggression issues between the Fire Shrimp and the Harlequin pair in my 6 gallon I would put the Fire Shrimp in my 60 gallon, but then I'd have three in there.
I almost set myself on fire with an AI Prime
Jan 9, 2019 · After a couple minutes I smelled smoke and thought maybe my light had malfunctioned or the fan wasn’t working. It wasn’t until an hour later I noticed the burn holes through my pants in a very specific pattern matching the LED’s on the light. Lesson learned, don’t leave the puck face down on anything because it can in fact start a fire.
Bristle Worm vs Fire Worm? - Identification Forum - Nano-Reef …
Dec 20, 2009 · Hi Tony, Fireworms are a type of bristleworm; all true worms in the class Polychaeta (poly= many, chaete= bristles) are commonly known as bristleworms. Bristleworms derive their name from the rows of chaete or bristles that line the d
Fire Shrimp vs. Banded coral Shrimp - Nano-Reef Community
May 30, 2004 · Well, I got a fire shrimp, and he's BIG, bought a BCS at the same time. I put them in and they checked each other out, got a bit scared, then seemed fine with each other. The BCS sat on an outcrop, and one of the damsels came in for a cleaning, and backed right into his claw, I had my heart in my mouth!
Fire (Blood Red) Shrimp - Invertebrate Forum - Nano-Reef …
Nov 19, 2007 · I'm getting some conflicting reports on Fire Shrimps and their compatibility with fish, other inverts and of course corals. I was originally hoping to keep one in my 20 gallon reef along with a pair of clowns and a goby of some sort. I also have hermits and snails. Is the Fire Shrimp going to be ...
4 Tiny Gobies in a 5 Gallon Tank - Nano-Reef Community
Jun 7, 2010 · good calls indeed. all I was meaning is what effect are they having on your system, ie your water test parameters such as reading 30 ppm nitrate just before a water change, that's specific on why its bad to have that many fish in a small tank. the space we recommend between 5 and 30 gallons is an opinion from those who keep fish better suited for the ocean, but …
How do I tell if it's a brittle worm or fire worm
Dec 10, 2020 · Picked up some cheato to try to make a refugium and started cleaning it and found a couple of huge ones. Don't want to add them and ruin my tank.
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