Find a Locksmith - Home
CALL: Local qualified locksmiths can bring a reliable familiarity with your area matched with strong community ties, while national service providers can offer well-known standards and service practices.
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Use the form below to find a qualified ALOA locksmith. In the Postal Code box you can search by POSTAL CODE, CITY, or STATE. Canadian postal codes must be entered as XXX XXX (no dash). You can also search by keyword below. Click HERE for even more options including specialties and store type.
ALOA Certifications - Find a Locksmith
Locksmith Certifications. CRL Level: This is the entry level certification for locksmith professionals. This requires passing the Mandatory Exam as well as 2 elective exams. CPL Level: Once achieving the CRL level, this second step in certification requires passing an additional 12 electives. CML Level:
About Us - Find a Locksmith
FindALocksmith.com is a service provided by ALOA & Westlake Media to be used as a resource to verify credentials and search for qualified locksmiths by city, state, zip and specialty.
For Locksmiths
For Locksmiths ALOA members receive a free listing in the Find a Locksmith database. To create your listing or update an existing entry, please login to the ALOA Members Only section and click “Add or Update your Find A Locksmith listing information.”