"A few" vs. "few" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
May 8, 2012 · Few, when used without a preceding 'a', means "very few" or "none at all". On the other hand, a few is used to indicate "not a large number". The difference is subtle, yet there …
grammar - What's the difference between a few, few, the few
Aug 1, 2016 · the few rounds left in their magazines, the few guests who escaped the fire; There's a big difference between few and a few, however. They're directed quantifiers, and they point …
"Few a" v. "few" - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
Oct 5, 2020 · Google Ngrams for "too few a" give only one result instead of the expected 10, and that is "too few a number." Searching then with "too few a,caracal,quotidien,contumacious" …
What is the proper usage of "quite a few"?
Oct 15, 2010 · Quite a few expresses that the speaker was impressed or astonished by the number, as they would have expected less. Or the speaker wants to emphasize on the fact …
grammaticality - Question tag for a sentence starting with "few ...
Nov 8, 2012 · A same-way tag (few/didn't) would not work - as NEGATIVE same-way tags are rare, and usually sound awkward. A few people knew the way, didn't they?/ did they? Both …
meaning - Past few days or the past few days? - English Language ...
Oct 23, 2018 · So when we say 'the past few days' we mean the complete set of 'past few days', not just some of them, and ...
'Only few' or 'only a few' - English Language & Usage Stack …
Mar 20, 2017 · Only few friends came to his party yesterday. Why I am asking this is because we had this sentence in a competition paper in my country and according to them, the second one …
What does “a couple” mean to you, and what does “a few” mean …
Sometimes, informally, used to mean few. Few: A smallish group. There were a few washers in the bottom of the screw drawer. Very few: A small number, smaller than expected. More than …
adverbs - The variations of in/for the last few days - English …
Jan 18, 2015 · "I have been unable to access the internet for the last few days." E. Yes, "past few days" does not usually include today, whereas "last few" typically does. But the tense of the …
expressions - Something is" a few feet away mind you" - English ...
Apr 11, 2020 · "A few feet away" tells you about distance and "mind you" is a fixed phrase meaning that you must pay attention or consider what comes next or what has just been said. …