facetank - Urban Dictionary
Oct 10, 2013 · Basically ‘Face-tanking’ means standing directly in front of an enemy and take all of his attacks with little effort to dodge relying only on active healing or passive defenses to save you while drawing the aggro of said target away from the squishier party members.
Can someone define the term "facetanking?" - Reddit
Mar 3, 2021 · To “facetank” means to be able to take a lot of direct damage without dying. A standard “tank” will often have shield abilities or some other way to mitigate damage, but a “face tank” will just have a whole lotta health since all the damage is going “straight to the face” ie, directly to the face tank.
What is the best tank build that almost never dies.
Sep 9, 2024 · The absolute tankiest are probably any builds specialized for running Void Valdo's maps. Since you don't care about budget, my favorite among those that I've seen is CI Molten Strike Trickster. It's a multi-mirror build, but it can facetank quad possessed T17 Feared, which is up there for highest incoming damage in the game.
[3.25] Tarekis' Facetank Flicker Trickster - Path of Exile
Jan 2, 2024 · Getting some big changes to this build (and all melee builds) in 3.25, mostly good changes. The core concept of the build stays the same as always. • Frenzy is no longer available, you need Frenzy of Onslaught, which could be a bit annoying if you use it for too long you instead remove frenzy charges, be careful there.
Who s the best facetank out there? :: Grim Dawn General …
Since the main point of facetank is to, well, tank, the "best" facetank is one who can survive the most. Amount of damage dealt will only come at second place - while its cool to kill enemies faster, thats the point of DDs.
Facetank, LLC
Founded in April 2017, Facetank is a fully-remote digital consultancy and development shop, headquartered in Brooklyn, NY. The name comes from the gaming community term which means "to succeed without dodging" - to "tank" with one's face.
Facetanking - Professions - Guild Wars 2 Forums
Jun 29, 2023 · Any class can facetank, even a squishy elementalist. It's a matter of gear (toughness and vitality stats) and build more than class. Warrior has been the best from my experience. Necro is the profession for that.
Best facetank build for release? : r/LastEpoch - Reddit
Maybe look into a simple Swipe Werebear build, most likely phys or lightning, that's been one of the tankiest builds I've ever played and I was able to just sit there and facetank almost every attack from every boss and stay at full health through leech. Very decent dmg too if you go crit.
What is the most tanky build? : r/Grimdawn - Reddit
Jan 18, 2023 · After a certain point, more tank is pointless though. If you can face tank Callagadra, you're probably tanky enough and should start looking at ways to kill things faster.
face tank - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
Mar 28, 2024 · From tank (“attract or resist damage”) and face (“the player character as opposed to minions”), the idea being that to face tank is to accept enemy attacks without any attempt to deflect their damage to non-player entities; thus, to simply absorb them directly.