Sort Email recipient - social.technet.microsoft.com
May 9, 2011 · You can then read this Tab delimited file into Excel or other program. If you use Excel you can then sort, slice and dice to taste. You can then use Import to bring in an XLS file in as a new distribution list. This is a bit of work but not horrible. Hope it helps.
Simultaneously work on shared Excel document
- Used the "Share" Option on the top right in MS Excel and added colleagues (all from the same domain as me) Then my colleagues get an E-Mail with a Link to open this shared Excel file. They can open it in Excel Online or with their desktop version of Excel.
How to use excel macro to query AD user data?
Hi All, I want to know how to query the AD user data (Full name, Department, country) based on user logon name via ...
url truncated while creating ms project 2010 from Excel 2010
Hi, When i'm trying to import data from Excel 2010 to MS Project 2010 (Project Import Wizard), my url get truncated ...
Auto generate/update a timeline in excel 2016
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VBA to remove all data connections (Excel 2013)
I have created a macro that removes all the data connections from a workbook. When I run it all the connections are ...
Repeating table for an Excel UserForm - social.technet.microsoft.com
Hello all, We are using an Infopath form with several form sections that use the repeating table control. Can ...
Combining Data from Hundreds of Tables in HTML Doc Into …
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Conditional Formatting & Sorting - social.technet.microsoft.com
Hi, I am kind of an Excel novice... I have applied multiple conditional formatting to ranges of cells within the ...
Giving users access to Excel reports created from cubes
May 1, 2014 · Resources for IT Professionals. Sign in. United States (English)