Lock or unlock specific areas of a protected worksheet
To enable some cell editing, while leaving other cells locked, it's possible to unlock all the cells. You can lock only specific cells and ranges before you protect the worksheet and, optionally, enable specific users to edit only in specific ranges of a protected sheet.
Lock cells to protect them in Excel - Microsoft Support
Follow these steps to lock cells in a worksheet: Select the cells you want to lock. On the Home tab, in the Alignment group, select the Alignment Settings arrow to open the Format Cells popup window.
Restrict changes to files in Excel - Microsoft Support
Restrict changes in Excel. On the Review tab, in the Protect group, review the following protection options: Protect Sheet Protect the worksheet and contents of locked cells. Protect Workbook Protect the workbook for structure and Windows. Allow Edit Ranges Determine what ranges can be …
Protect a worksheet - Microsoft Support
Worksheet protection is a two-step process: the first step is to unlock cells that others can edit, and then you can protect the worksheet with or without a password. Step 1: Unlock any cells that needs to be editable. In your Excel file, select the worksheet tab that you want to protect. Select the cells that others can edit.
Lock cells to protect them in Excel for Mac - Microsoft Support
To prevent a user from accidentally or deliberately changing, moving, or deleting important data, you can lock cells and protect them. Locking cells takes two steps: adding the Lock formatting to the cells, and then turning on protection of the sheet.
Protection and security in Excel - Microsoft Support
Following are the different options available for protecting your Excel data: File-level: This refers to the ability to lock down your Excel file by specifying a password so that users can’t open or modify it. You have five choices here: File encryption: When you choose this option, you specify a password and lock the Excel file. This ...
Excel file is locked for editing - Microsoft Support
Find out how you can unlock an Excel spreadsheet when you are locked out of an Excel file by yourself or by another user.
Freeze panes to lock rows and columns - Microsoft Support
How to freeze panes in Excel to keep rows or columns in your worksheet visible while you scroll, or lock them in place to create multiple worksheet areas.
Protect controls and linked cells on a worksheet
Select the control that you want to protect. For more information, see Select or deselect controls on a worksheet. To prevent a user from moving, sizing, or deleting a control, right-click the selection, and then click Format Control. On the Protection tab, select the Locked check box.
Can’t edit certain cells in a protected worksheet in Excel for Mac
If a Microsoft Excel worksheet or workbook is protected, and the option to restrict editing permissions to certain users is selected for a range of cells, you can’t edit those cells in Excel for Mac. Cause. The option to let only certain users edit …