Evident Scientific | ライフサイエンスと産業測定ソリューション
非破壊検査(NDT)分野では、Evidentは最先端の厚さ計、探傷器、フェーズドアレイ探傷装置、およびスキャナーを提供しています。 元素分析分野では、蛍光X線(XRF)分析計を用いて、迅速な材料の特定、合金や貴金属の化学組成の分析、さらには環境評価を ...
Evident Scientific | Life Science and Industrial Measurement Solutions
Our life science solutions include a range of research options, from brightfield and darkfield imaging to advanced fluorescence and 4D imaging. For clinical applications, Evident delivers outstanding performance with high image flatness over a wide field of view. In the education sector, we provide cost-effective classroom-based microscopes.
About Us - evidentscientific.com
Headquartered in Tokyo Japan, Evident designs and manufactures its life science and industrial solutions in R&D and factory centers in Japan, the United States, Canada, Germany, and China. We serve customers in more than 57 countries with …
Worldwide Office Locations - evidentscientific.com
Kanazawa park Bld.3F, 3-1-1, Hiroka, Kanazawa-shi, Ishikawa 920-0031, Japan Tel: +81-70-7097-5489 Fax: +81-76-203-0370
Important Notices - Olympus - Life Science
It has been discovered that the SZ2-STP Arm Used with Microscope for Equipment Mounting was shipped with the holding parts of the stereo microscope zo...
Kanazawa park Bld.3F, 3-1-1, Hiroka, Kanazawa-shi, Ishikawa 920-0031, Japan Tel: +81-70-7097-5489 Fax: +81-76-203-0370
OLYMPUS Makes it EVIDENT | Olympus LS - evidentscientific.com
As a newly-established wholly-owned subsidiary, Evident, headquartered in Japan, continues to operate independently under the Olympus umbrella. Olympus’ Scientific Solutions business encompassed the Olympus Industrial and Life Science businesses.
We Are Evident
科学的精神を導きとし、すべての行動の中心に革新と探求を据えたEvidentは、お客様の課題を解決し、仕事を前進させる製品と技術を提供します。 あなたの目標達成を全力でサポートします。
会社案内 | Evident - evidentscientific.com
会社案内 | Evident - evidentscientific.com ... 会社案内
About Us - Olympus IMS
Headquartered in Tokyo Japan, Evident designs and manufactures its life science and industrial solutions in R&D and factory centers in Japan, the United States, Canada, Germany, and China. We serve customers in more than 57 countries with …