connector - What kind of wall port is this? - Super User
Aug 2, 2018 · I moved into a new apartment, which provides internet for me, and I assume the port in the image was an Ethernet port, but on closer inspection, it is not. What is it, and can it be used to connect my router? P.S. While I know this may not be the place to ask, I didn't see any other stack exchange devoted even remotely to hardware, and so asked ...
networking - How to connect a router and wall ethernet ports …
Oct 25, 2022 · I'd also like for the router to be placed in some of the rooms and connected in one of the 4 wall ports. Does it make sense for me to put a switch in the box above the door next to the optic modem, with one input and 4 output ethernet ports for the 4 wall cables? With a setup like that, will a device connected in a wall port (eg.
Ethernet wall socket stack to 100 mbps - Super User
Nov 11, 2020 · I'm living in a recently built apartment in Germany. There are many ethernet wall socket in each room. When connected my Macbook to the router directly with a cat 5e cable I can get around 800 mbps but I want to use the ethernet wall socket instead but it gives me only 100 mbps. Note that I have a gigabit contract. I'm using same 5e cat cable.
Enabling Ethernet connections in my whole household?
Feb 9, 2022 · So you should end up with a flow of traffic that goes from device connected to ethernet port in wall (network drop), then terminates at patch panel, then connected to a switch, which is then connected to a modem/router. Switches generally come in two flavours- "dumb" and "smart", or more practically, managed and un-managed. Managed switches ...
Wondering why this ethernet wall plug is not working?
An ethernet cable connects the router to the ethernet wall socket. Room 2 has a laptop. An ethernet cable connects the laptop to the ethernet wall socket. If I connect the laptop directly to the internet router, it can browse the internet. If I connect the laptop to a internet router via said ethernet wall socket, it does not work.
Can I split one Ethernet line coming out of my wall into multiple ...
Ethernet, Cat5 outlet is built in the wall, and there is only 1 outlet in each room. I would like to take this 1 outlet coming out the wall and multiply it into 4 wires, for desktop, Playstation, TV and laptop, without losing any Internet bandwidth.
Two PCs, one ethernet port - whats the best solution
Or connect the Ethernet cable to a PC with atleast two NICs and that that PC forward data. Wall socket# ---- #PC1# -----#PC2 Where the --- are Ethernet cables and the #'s aqre network cards. Note that to use the network from PC2 you will need to have PC1 powered up and properly configured. Usually it is much less hassle to just buy a cheap switch.
networking - Setting up Ethernet in My Apartment - Super User
Jun 22, 2019 · Addition: If those ports really are ethernet ports (i.e. the ethernet cables do fit) then it means a dedicated ethernet switch has been set up by the apartment. This is good news, and it means you should only have to connect an Ethernet cable between your router (any one of the ethernet ports - NOT the internet port) and the wall socket, and ...
networking - Can you plug the computer directly into the wall to …
Jan 2, 2019 · wall -> ethernet -> router -> wifi -> computer. This makes sense if your computer connects using WiFi. wall -> ethernet -> router -> ethernet -> computer. That will work so long as your computer doesn't require a WiFi connection. I'm wondering why you can't just plug the computer straight into the wall: wall -> ethernet -> computer
Properly insert ethernet cable into RJ-45 wall port? - Super User
Jun 23, 2016 · Many might have come across one variant of an Ethernet wall port with a plastic cover over the top, supposedly because of children. Yes, there is a little groove at the bottom of this little plastic window which I guess your nail can get under and lift.