Enel Face - Know Your Meme
Oct 20, 2024 · Enel Face refers to a comical facial expression made by One Piece antagonist Enel. It has been a popular meme among the One Piece fandom, and edits of the face featuring characters from other IPs have inspired separate memes.
Enel - One Piece Wiki | Fandom
Enel's face in One Piece is marked by grayish-blue eyes, a slim nose with a flat bridge, and long earlobes that reach his chest, weighed down by gold earrings. These features mirror buddha depictions.
One Piece: The 10 Best Enel Face Memes - CBR
Oct 10, 2020 · Enel’s absurdly shocked face in reaction to the revelation was iconic -- enough that it’s become a common meme. So let’s take a look at the best memetic uses of Enel’s face.
Does anyone have a collection of all the "Enel shocked faces ... - Reddit
Apr 13, 2017 · https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/3n02mu/manga_spoilers_almost_every_funny_face_panel_in/ On mobile but I think the link will work. I made a mega album of every funny face in the manga.
Enel Face | One Piece | Know Your Meme
Oct 16, 2014 · PROTIP: Press the ← and → keys to navigate the gallery, 'g' to view the gallery, or 'r' to view a random image. See more 'One Piece' images on Know Your Meme!
Enel Face: Image Gallery (List View) (List View) - Know Your Meme
"Just read the "Enel Face" turned 20 today. Here is the friendly reminder I got this awesome tattoo ...
Feb 7, 2019 · Luffy battles Enel in a thrilling fight to defeat the self-declared deity.
I love Enel's face here (Spoilers) : r/OnePiece - Reddit
Oct 24, 2011 · One Piece reactions are the best. a 5 minute google search will get you the manga frame of the "enel face" as well. Hilarious reveal either way. Enel's entire character was designed around that face. Yeah, it was definitely better in the Manga. Literally one of the best pages of Manga ever written IMO.
Enel Face Compilation : r/MemePiece - Reddit
May 4, 2019 · We celebrate the comedic and casual side of the series One Piece. Casual or low effort content, normally removed from r/OnePiece, is likely welcome! Wow. That looks like it took a lot of effort. Nice job. Why not include the anime versions.
Enel WTF Face Reaction Mashup - YouTube
A mashup video featuring Enel's WTF face reaction from One Piece.