symbols - What is the LaTeX command for "em dash" (—)? - TeX
Apr 26, 2012 · Just came here for an answer, since the em dash looked like a space in the PDF previewer I was using. Turns out the font just had a very thin line for a dash. I embiggened the previewer, and voila!--there were the em dashes! In case someone else has the same issue. –
punctuation - Em dash using | - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange
Sep 9, 2017 · It places an — (em-dash) in the spot associated with |. To highlight this, consider the following example: \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \showoutput | --- \end{document} \showoutput adds content to the .log that shows the construction of the output pages. The following excerpt was taken from the above example's .log:
Correct use of hyphen, en dash, or em dash in compound words
Dash --or ---is used generally in a place of comma , or as an interval, like 2009--2011. In "classical" English typography, you don't put spaces around dashes---like just here; it is because English typography tends to make all the inter-word spaces equal, no matter whether there's a dash or comma between the words. "Modern" typography changes ...
punctuation - Dashes: - vs. - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange
Oct 6, 2010 · Usage of the em dash, since that's what dmckee's explanation doesn't tackle: it's nicest to think of the em dash as a dramatic pause in a sentence, and it need not be used parenthetically. Chicago (6.87) calls it "the most commonly used and versatile of the dashes", and lists among its uses:
Semantic line breaks and spaces around em-dashes
Feb 18, 2021 · clause-per-line, inconsistent em-dash spaces: The food ---which was delicious--- reminded me of home. The food, which was delicious, reminded me of home. I would like both sources to render the same, but the clause-per-line version introduces a space before or after an em-dash. I could instead use. sentence-per-line, em-dash spaces:
Source Han: Em dashes (U+2014) fail to compose as U+2E3A and …
Oct 10, 2018 · A 破折号 (pòzhéhào, Chinese em dash) is a punctuation mark used in Chinese typesetting. It has very similar usage to the Western em dash. The Chinese em dash has two important features: It occupies the same width as two ideographic characters. It aligns with the vertical center of the ideographic em‑box.
Unicode support for em-dash - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange
Mar 7, 2015 · I am using XeLaTeX. My goal is to display a Unicode em dash in my PDF file. The \dash will not compile, below: it says ! Undefined control sequence. Here is the minimal (non)-working example: \documentclass{article} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \DeclareUnicodeCharacter{2014}{\dash} \begin{document} hello \dash there! \end{document}
Avoid line break between em-dash and the next word
I'm writing a text in Spanish, and I have a phrase wrote between em-dashes (that work like parentheses). The problem is that if the "opening" em-dash is too near the end of the line, then it may happen that it remains in that line but the next word falls to the next: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
What kind of dash is used before a quote attribution?
May 17, 2012 · I shouldn't use swung dash (~) at all. According to grammarbook.com, the Em Dash should be preferable for a more informal writing in English language. The Em Dash is used (among other cases) to separate phrases. In any case, I'd rather use: “Planning your video is the first step.” Christine Cloud, Producer . but this could also be chosen:
tex core - LuaTeX and em dashes - LaTeX Stack Exchange
Feb 28, 2019 · LuaLaTeX is not inserting em dashes unless there is space around the triple dash. It works fine when using a unicode em dash, or explicitly using the \\textemdash macro. Here is a MWE: \\documentcl...