Home - EDGE Buildings
Differentiate your green building project with EDGE certification. EDGE is a global solution for sustainable building, offering certification for a wide range of building types, from green homes …
EDGE App - EDGE Buildings
The free EDGE software offers a measurable way to cut back on the resource intensity of your building design.
About EDGE - EDGE Buildings
EDGE (“Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies”) is a free software, a green building standard, and an international green building certification system.
EDGE: A Global Green Building Movement
EDGE (“Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies”) is a free software, a green building standard, and an international green building certification system. EDGE is an innovation of …
Certification - EDGE Buildings
Set your project apart even further by earning EDGE Advanced, with recognition reflected on project studies, certificates, award submissions and more. Projects at this certification level are …
EDGE for Existing Buildings
EDGE has been expanded to include the full stage of a building’s life cycle, making it possible to certify existing buildings and major renovations in addition to new construction. The decision …
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The project team creates EDGE assessments for each sample building (as selected by the auditor in the previous step) in the EDGE App, uploading documentation for the Design Tab and each …
EDGE – Excellence in Design for Greater Efficiencies (EN)
A green building solution created by the International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, EDGE empowers you to optimize your designs to use less energy, water, …
EDGE is a green buildings platform that includes a green building standard, a software application, and a certification program for more than 150 countries. The platform is intended …
Designing for Greater Efficiency - EDGE Buildings
The Designing for Greater Efficiency course is a quick, yet intuitive, complete and effective approach for students to learn, supplement the basic knowledge of optimizing energy by …