I have recommended Typing Club to everyone I know. It has helped me to unlearn bad typing habits, improved my accuracy, and helped me feel confident about myself when I registered …
Jungle Junior. Jungle Junior is an interactive typing game for kids. Through the course of about 200 friendly, colorful videos and interactive lessons, kids will learn all about the alphabet and …
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J'ai recommandé Typing Club à tout le monde. J'ai pu corriger mes mauvaises habitudes de frappe, améliorer ma précision et avoir confiance en moi en inscrivant mon école. Ces …
edclub School Edition. Track your students' progress, course assignment and learning all in one place. Setting up an account is quick and free. Sign up for FREE Compare plans
Ich habe Typing Club allen Freunden und Bekannten empfohlen. Es hat mir geholfen, schlechte Tipp-Gewohnheiten loszuwerden, meine Treffsicherheit zu verbessern und hat mich in …
The highest quality free courses through the most awesome learning platform.
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A digitação de histórias é uma experiência única para amantes de livros e digitadores. Os digitadores de nível intermediário a avançado que buscam praticar suas habilidades vão …
Eu gostaria de relatar que tenho aprendido Dvorak através do Typing Club e estou muito impressionada com a excelente interface e com a ludicidade dos conteúdos (nos quais …
Jungle Junior. Jungle Junior es un juego interactivo de mecanografía para niños. A lo largo de unos 200 vídeos amenos y coloridos y lecciones interactivas, los niños aprenderán todo sobre …