politeness - Are "dude" and "man" disrespectful words? - English ...
Jun 28, 2015 · Both "dude" and "man" are INFORMAL. Whether or not they are disrespectful depends on whether you are expected to have a formal or informal relationship with the person you are addressing. If you have a familiar relationship already, …
Could it be that the word ‘dude’ is insulting?
Jul 16, 2020 · The word "dude" was originally a mocking term around 1890 in the US for a city man who wore overly fancy clothes. In the West, it became a term for city people who were out of place in a frontier environment. For example, a "dude ranch" still refers to a place where men from the city come for a vacation and pretend to be cowboys.
Can the terms 'dude' and 'guy' be applied to women?
Dec 24, 2019 · "Dude" is a word pretty much limited to very informal use in some sub-cultures. If you were having a business meeting of the company's accountants and you began, "Hey dudes ...", that would be considered distinctly odd. It's appropriate if you're talking to a group of surfers on a beach in California, or a group of skateboarders.
sentence meaning - "Hey, buddy, got a quarter?" - English …
This is a slightly meta reference to Bart Simpson's catchphrase "Don't have a cow, man!". "Hey, buddy, got a quarter?" is something a beggar might say. The insult/joke here is that Ned's saying that Bart will grow up to be a beggar and that he should start practicing now.
What does homie mean? - English Language Learners Stack …
Jul 14, 2021 · The etymology of "homie" is unclear, but since it's most commonly associated with Latino slang I always assumed that it derived from the Spanish hombre, which means "man" but is used to refer to any male who you are close to or at least friendly with. Wikipedia gives other possible explanations.
If a male can be a 'stud', what is the corresponding word for a …
A formal definition is 'a man who is notably virile and sexually active'. An informal definition is 'a man that makes women drool'. A babe is a corresponding word for a female. As in . Gina Bellman is such a babe.
word request - What do you call a man who has a sexual …
Jan 28, 2020 · A mistress tends to be a woman that is "kept" by a man and implies a degree of inequality - ie the man has a double-life and the mistress is kept waiting. He may even be financially supporting her. There isn't really an exclusively-male equivalent.
word request - English Language Learners Stack Exchange
Jan 4, 2018 · Originally, a "geek" or a "freak" was a circus sideshow performer (for example, "the bearded lady" or "the smallest man in the world"). It was once very shameful to be considered a geek or a nerd, but today people are usually proud to be labeled as such. These terms are gender-neutral today, so they're not strictly analogous to a hag, per se.
word request - What is the feminine equivalent of "guy"? - English ...
Feb 14, 2013 · Is there a word that is the feminine equivalent of guy? I thought of gal, but I think it is used for a girl, or a young woman. I am looking for a word that can be used to generally mean woman, and
slang - What is the meaning of the - English Language Learners …
When I chat with a India friend in the Colloquy. He said to me: ok dude i am gng out cya and all the best.. I don't understand the gng and cya, I know it should be a shorten statements. But I d...