Dryerbox® - Safely Vent Your Dryer - dryer vent pipe, dryer vent …
Give the Dryer Some Space; Let the Dryer Perform at Peak Efficiency; Help Protect Against Fire Spread; Protect Exhaust Duct in the Wall
Model DB-425 Specifications - Dryerbox
The 425 is the flagship model having been designed for the most common new construction dryer exhaust configuration. While there are a few exceptions, it is primarily used for venting upward in 2 X 6 walls. Where wall depth is restricted, it can be installed in a 2 X 4 wall with a 1" furring strip.
Specifications -- Select the Right dryer boxes for Your Application
* For stackable or pedestal dryers with downward exhaust direction install this model upside-down. Models 480, 425, 4D, 350 and 3D are UL Classified Deep Drawn Manufacturing in the USA
The Retro-Fit Box (Model 400 & 500) - Dryerbox
Teamed With Dryer-Ell; Galleries. Highlights Video; Photos; Videos; Installs; 3D Interactive Models; Venting Resources. Airflow Efficiency; Venting Resources; Dryerbox FAQs; Installation Tips; Dryer Venting FAQs; Dryer Fire News; Venting Guidelines; 10 Dryer Safety Tips; What Causes Dryer Fires? Best Exhaust Components; Get The Dryerbox. Buy ...
Model DB-480 Specifications - Dryerbox
The new model 480 has a larger receiving area to safely collect exhaust hose whether it's entering the wall at floor level or higher up on a pedestal. Homebuyers now have complete freedom to choose the appliances that best fit their lifestyle.
Model DB-350 Specifications - Dryerbox
Consider installing the 4 ¼” deep Dryerbox® (Model 425) into a 2x6 wall. This Model 350 is for 2x4 walls and exhibits a very oval shaped port on top to accommodate
Dryerbox® Dryer Venting Tips and Resources for Proper Installation
Across the US alone, over forty dryers burst into flames every day (source: U.S. Fire Administration). Here, you may find some useful installation tips and ideas to ensure that every venting project finishes easily and ends with the safest possible solution.
Model DB-4D Specifications - Dryerbox
When installing the 4 ¼” deep Down-Box™ (Model 4D) into a 2x4 wall, fir out the respective wall ¾” with a 1x2 furring strip to provide adequate depth or use the 3 ½” Model 3D. When installing in an exterior frame wall, you should add insulation or duct board to the back-side of box to minimize condensation and temperature transfer.
Homeowners, builders and contractors' venting knowledge base.
When the HVA/C Contractor installs The Recessed Dryer Vent Box in a new custom home he precludes the necessity of the one 90 degree pipe in the wall. In cases where the distance to the exterior is longer than code allows, The Dryerbox provides a five …
Photos of Dryer Box, Complete library of dryer venting solutions …
Dryerbox 350 mid-wall installation for stacked washerdryer Correct Termination Assembly for Gas Line to Dryerbox - CSST Fitting Image demonstrates how to prep support tab to hold exhaust conduit