Douglas Bloch – Mental Health Educator
I am an author and mental health educator who writes on the topics of psychology, healing, and spirituality. I have authored a number of books that reflect the diverse interests I have pursued, …
Depression Recovery – Douglas Bloch
In Healing from Depression, Douglas Bloch shares a 12 week body, mind and spirit recovery program that he developed from his own struggle to stay alive amidst overwhelming despair …
YouTube Channel – Douglas Bloch
Douglas Bloch. Mental Health Educator. Depression Recovery; Coping with Suicidal Thoughts; Affirmations & Spirituality; Astrology; YouTube Channel; Depression Recovery YouTube …
Coping With Suicidal Thoughts - Douglas Bloch
Douglas Bloch. Mental Health Educator. Depression Recovery; Coping with Suicidal Thoughts; Affirmations & Spirituality; Astrology; YouTube Channel; Coping with Suicidal Thoughts. My …
Affirmations & Spirituality – Douglas Bloch
Words That Heal: Affirmations and Meditations for Daily Living is the audiobook version of the classic work on affirmations that was originally published in 1990 and has been translated into …
Astrology - Douglas Bloch
Astrology For Yourself is designed as a workbook that takes the beginning student through a step-by-step process of learning the symbolic language of astrology. This primer is frequently used …
Boost Your Psychological Immune System Get m o vi n g! Eat well. S p e n d t i m e i n n a t ur e . G et r eg u l a r s l ee p . T al k y ou r s e l f u p .