Double tap, double lug - combo GFCI/AFCI breaker - Electrical ...
Sep 20, 2023 · I performed my first 11th month warranty inspection today! Townhome built in 2022. One of the combo GFCI/AFCI breakers was double tapped and double lugged. I realize some Square D breakers allow a double tap but I looked up the breaker specs and it doesn’t show that it is allowed. The image on the side of the breaker shows one branch circuit only. I will be writing this up as a fire/safety ...
Double lugged neutrals - Electrical Inspections - InterNACHI®️ …
Aug 9, 2006 · Correct terminolgy is double tap, use “double lug” for service and feeder doubles. Two and sometimes three equipment grounds are allowed per screw but only one neutral. No mixing of gnds and neutrals either under one screw. I think the latest NEC has it under 408.21 according to code check.
Double tapped surge protector - Electrical Inspections
Apr 26, 2024 · I see surge protectors doubled into the main lugs constantly… I keep getting mixed feedback as to whether or not this allowed. If it’s type 1 or type 2 surge protector, it may or may not be allowed. Some are saying no all together. What are your thoughts?
Double lugged breakers? - Electrical Inspections - InterNACHI®️ …
Apr 29, 2008 · I received this email from a realtor about a report where I highlighted a double lug breaker in the service panel. I dn’t know where it was, how long agao it was or if he is even the seller or buyer agent. I need some input on how you other fine inspectors are writing up this issue. Sorry I have no photos… I am writing this to inform you, as I have numerous other home inspectors who write ...
Panels that allow double (and more) lug neutrals - Electrical ...
Dec 1, 2016 · I was just contacted by a electrician about an inspection I did about a month ago. Where I call out double lugged neutrals. He told and proved to me that certain Cutler Hammer and Siemens allow double lugging. He read me the manufacturers specs. He was nice about it. I had to agree , but I told him that there were many additional lugs that could have been use. And wouldn’t it have been ...
Main panel double tap - Electrical Inspections - InterNACHI®️ …
Jan 25, 2007 · A double lug is one that has provisions to land 2 wires, each under its own terminal screw on the same connector… When the breakers are present that have two screw terminals and each has a wire connected it is not a double lug or a double tap unless two wires are under one single screw.
Double tap of the main breaker - InterNACHI®️ Forum
Dec 11, 2013 · Here is the issue. I called out a double tap on the main 200 Amp breaker. The main wires are aluminum (with protective coating) and the wires that double tap the main going to the sub-panel next to it are copper. I have a realtor that claims he has called a retired electrician and said it is not a normal practice but it IS acceptable. Can someone tell me how to word this so I can get through ...
Double tapping main - Electrical Inspections - InterNACHI®️ …
Aug 13, 2010 · Is the lug on the left triple taped or am I seeing a shadow? double tap.jpg 600×800 75.1 KB krigler (Kenny Rigler) August 17, 2010, 7:05pm
Neutral and ground double lug - InterNACHI®️ Forum
Dec 28, 2019 · This was changed in the 2008 NEC, and only applies to new construction or complete replacement of existing. As for the ground and neutral being on the same lug apparently they taught that in the first week of the IBEW apprenticeship in our area because it is always a sign of an experienced but not up to date electrician.
Square D Neutral Double Tap - InterNACHI®️ Forum
Mar 25, 2009 · I inspected a Square D panel that was approved for two wires. My question is, if the breakers are approved for two wires, does that mean two wires could be under each lug at the Neutral buss bar? There was double tapping at the buss bar. I recommended it to be further evaluated by an electrician. Now the homeowner is calling telling me that it is approved to have two wires under each lug. This ...