pH Manometry result very high | Barrett's Oesophagus | Forums
Aug 8, 2014 · Recently had pH Manometry test, result was 63.9 - up from a score of 54 ten years ago, apparently this is a very high DeMeester score. I also recently had endoscopy and …
My demeester score - HealingWell.com
Jan 23, 2014 · My demeester scores were 89.4 and 84.2...how bad is that?... I believe that the normal Demeester score is something like 14.7.
High demeester score - Page 2 - HealingWell.com
High demeester score. Support Forums > GERD & Acid Reflux New Topic Reply. 1 2
Demeester score 1.1, but still having voice problems. Thinking …
I did the pH test while taking my 60mg of dexilant to see how well it was working, and my demeester score was 1.1, meaning that the dexilant is definitely working. However, the test did …
Typical Demeester Scores / Linx Procedure - HealingWell.com
I just got back my Bravo test. I have a Demeester score of 36.7 with a correlation of symptoms and reflux symptoms at 50% and 70%. What were your Demeester scores? I understand I am …
pH Manometry results exactly 14.7 - HealingWell.com
So I had the pH Manometry. Motility was absolutely fine, which is good news. pH result came back exactly 14.7. Now, I am sure you know, the Demeester Score determines that anything …
Heidelberg test in London? | Reflux Oesophagitis | Forums - Patient
Dec 22, 2015 · DeMeester score of 179! moonbuggy kjustesen. Posted 9 years ago. Hi. I had my 24 pH test done at the ...
Ear pressure, crackling and post nasal drip worse after eating
Sep 19, 2015 · My other idea was acid reflux, more precisely silent reflux. I had the scope test done and even a 48-hr test done where they insert a sensor in your esophagus to test PD …
My DeMeester Score is 231 after 24 Hours PH monitoring. Plz …
Plz Help Me... My DeMeester Score is 231 after 24 Hours PH monitoring. Plz suggest me interpretations of this test.
A message of encouragement - HealingWell.com
Dec 16, 2022 · On the 13th of March of next year I will be 10 years post hiatal hernia repair and a full floppy NF. The results of the surgery were wonderful.