What's the problem to show that $\\Delta S > 0$ in this process?
If you can compress the gas quasi-statically such that ΔSgenerated = 0 Δ S g e n e r a t e d = 0, then and only then do you have a reversible process. P.S. You are right in saying that ΔS> 0 Δ …
thermodynamics - What does the $-T \Delta S$ term of the Gibb's …
Apr 19, 2021 · So as we know, Gibb's free energy for a constant pressure reaction is given as ΔG = ΔH − TΔS Δ G = Δ H − T Δ S The enthalpy term represents the change in the internal …
Questions on $\\Delta S = \\frac{q}{T}$ - Physics Stack Exchange
Mar 7, 2023 · Therefore, in this case, ΔS> q T Δ S> q T. Combining these two scenarios, ΔS ≥ q T Δ S ≥ q T in general, where the equality applies for a slow, reversible process and the …
special relativity - Why is a spacetime interval defined as $ (\Delta …
Mar 29, 2020 · Why is a spacetime interval defined as (Δs)2 (Δ s) 2 = ημνΔxμΔxν η μ ν Δ x μ Δ x ν?
Entropy change in reversible and irreversible processes
Jun 28, 2019 · dS = dq/T d S = d q / T for a reversible process and dS> dq/T d S> d q / T for an irreversible process, but why is the entropy change greater in an irreversible process? What …
thermodynamics - What ds>dQ/T mean? - Physics Stack Exchange
May 1, 2016 · It's the total entropy that grows more than the bound. This extra growth may take place both in the system and in the environment.If the environment has blue and red ink which …
How is $\\delta s$ different than $ds$? - Physics Stack Exchange
Jun 17, 2015 · Specifically I'm reading Dirac's General Relativity and he says essentially: $$ \delta Q = \frac {\partial Q} {\partial x^\mu} \delta x^\mu $$ But what's the difference between this …
Selection rule $\\Delta S=0$: Why does a photon not interact with …
The selection rule ΔS = 0 Δ S = 0 is an approximation, nothing more, and in suitable circumstances it can easily break. One prominent example of this is the hydrogen 21cm line. …
What is the meaning of the negative sign in $\\Delta s^2 = \\Delta …
Nov 24, 2018 · In the equation of the spacetime interval formula Δs2 = Δx2 + Δy2 + Δz2 − (cΔt)2 Δ s 2 = Δ x 2 + Δ y 2 + Δ z 2 − (c Δ t) 2 is there meaning for the minus sign before the (cΔt)2 (c …
thermodynamics - Why the entropy change is not zero in the …
Feb 3, 2022 · Why the entropy change is not zero in the irreversible adiabatic process? ...while it is defined as the integral of the heat added to the system over its temperature.