Inspirational Visionary Art & Gene Keys Ambassador - Daniel B.
Explore and enjoy the artwork of Daniel B. Holeman. Depicting and celebrating Beauty and imagery of Awakening to Unity Consciousness. Activating Higher Frequencies of DNA coding and inspiring all to realize our state of Oneness and Unity with All That Is.
Full Bio Daniel B. Holeman - Awaken Visions
"I find child-like enjoyment in Daniel's pictures. - Ken Keyes Jr. Author, Handbook to Higher Consciousness and The Power of Unconditional Love " On my living room wall is a constant source of good feelings for us and all who visit our home.
About the Artist Daniel B. Holeman - Awaken Visions
Artistic talent combined with life-long exploration of consciousness and devotion to self-realization has given Daniel B. Holeman an ability to depict uplifting and profound sacred imagery. His inspirational paintings often have a strong impact on people.
Daniel B. Holeman's Graphic Design Services - Awaken Visions
Since 1989 Daniel B. Holeman's artwork has inspired millions of people worldwide. In 2001 his art was used as the intro to a TV show, Estrela Guia (Guiding Star), on the fourth largest TV network in the world, TV Globo in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (seen by 50 million people daily for six months).
Art Merchandise Shop - Awaken Visions
Daniel B. Holeman's Visionary Art Merchandise Shop with images of dolphins, angels, enchanted worlds, space, heaven, heart, mandalas, and psychedelic. Featuring Gene Key art gallery. This shop goes to the website "Fine Art America" who takes care of every
The Visionary Artwork of Daniel Holeman - awakenvisions.com
The Visionary Artwork of Daniel Holeman To View: Click any image to enlarge and then click on the left or right of the image to quickly scroll through all the enlargements.
Contact Information - Daniel B. Holeman - Awaken Visions
The Vision & Art of Daniel B. Holeman - Visionary Art galleries beautiful visions of dolphins, angels, space, heaven, and landscapes of the imagination and Awakening.
Gallery 2 of Inspirational Spiritual Art by Daniel B. Holeman
Daniel B. Holeman's Visionary Art Main Gallery with images of dolphins, angels, enchanted worlds, space, heaven, heart, mandalas, and psychedelic. Featuring Gene Key art gallery
Testimonials on Daniel B. Holeman - Awaken Visions
The Vision & Art of Daniel B. Holeman - Visionary Art galleries beautiful visions of dolphins, angels, space, heaven, and landscapes of the imagination and Awakening.
Guidance Sessions by Daniel Holeman - awakenvisions.com
Spiritual Guidance offered from Daniel Holeman aimed at clarifying and strengthening your direction in life.