Level 50 Guide - DAoC Official Forums
Fortunately, plat and champion exp go hand in hand. To get champion exp it is fastest to do the following quests and buy them with bounty points as you obtain them. For 2,000 BP’s, with the Buggane bonus on (which you should get), and guild xp bonus up you will make ~40,000 Champ xp every 2k BP’s, which is about 1.3 levels of CL xp from 1 ...
Purchasing Plat/Mithril - DAoC Official Forums
Hard to know how many people buy plat, legally or not. However, I suspect it is the primary cause of inflation. Perpetuating plat buying with your idea would only drive prices up. Everything is accessible to the average player. You either need to start a group or join a guild that is willing to help new players.
Dark Age of Camelot Official Forums
Video forum for sharing and discussing DAoC videos and player streams! 407. 2.6K. Morthude Max - Solo ...
Resources, Guides & Help - DAoC Official Forums
DAoC Settings & Tips. Worldlygamer 841 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Ildra December 2019 ...
Plat - DAoC Official Forums
Buy mansion deeds, they worth 25p each, and you get full resale value.
200P max on merchants - DAoC Official Forums
The code the game is written in prevents them from increasing the plat cap. Hence the weird cap of 214 plat 700+ gold (I don't remember the exact value). One of many limitations for an old game like DAoC. It would be easier to make DAoC 2.0 than change stuff like this.
WTS Plat for GTC's - DAoC Official Forums
I have plat on all 3 realms. WTS plat for GTC's. 250p per GTC. Will do 275p per GTC if you buy multiples.
Pendragon bracer - DAoC Official Forums
The ability to cure RS and use at the same time is nice as well. But 20 charges for 15 plat does not make it competitive when I can buy sup pots for half the price with 10 more charges. Also you would think if it's being offered as a veteran gift they wouldn't slap you with a …
A few Newb questions. (crafting) - DAoC Official Forums
Aug 21, 2020 · Alchemy is a must have though unless you are loaded on plat. The freedom you get to modify your equipment anytime is super helpful when trying to adjust small things or template from scratch. Even if you don't use a specific craft much, you can sometimes find somebody who wants something from it RIGHT NOW and will overpay to raise some quick plat.
Returning player - DAoC Official Forums
4) Is there a way to transfer plat between characters on the same account/realm? 5) How does a low RR character go about getting RPs going up against a server full of super high RR characters? 6) I'm sure my gear is super obsolete (combo of crafted sigil/dragonsworn and artis, named jewelry etc from ML mobs). What's the meta now?
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