How to create a curved triangle of specific dimensions?
Nov 1, 2022 · I'm trying to make a triangle where all the sides are curved outward, like a Reuleaux triangle, but the sides must be of a specific length. The length must be measured along the curve, not from end...
Find area of a 'curved triangle' - Math Help Forum
May 16, 2009 · 1) What is the area of the whole 'curved triangle'? 2) She found she could enclose it in a square, with the sides of the curved triangle just touching the sides of the square.
How to draw a curved triangle with curved inner corners?
May 6, 2017 · I’m pretty new in graphic design (and Inkscape) and can’t figure out how to draw a unfilled rounded corners isosceles triangle. What I’m trying to achieve is something like this: Please notice the rounded corners in the inner side of the triangle and the outer corners.
adobe photoshop - Create a Triangle with Rounded Corners
Jan 2, 2012 · I know you can create a rounded-corner rectangle; but, how do you create a triangle with rounded corners in Photoshop? I am actually interested in making it from scratch, not basing it on a custom shape that is available in Photoshop.
Illustrator: how to construct curved and bent triangles
Mar 6, 2017 · I'm looking to recreate this effect in Illustrator but cannot find the right tool to do the job. Any help in the right direction is appreciated. Thanks.
How to make curved triangles in Photoshop? [duplicate]
Jul 19, 2017 · I want to make a perfectly equilateral triangle but with curved corner and curved sides (not just rounded corners) I tried to use the polygon tool with the "Smooth Corners" option and got this: ...
What is the name of a squircle with three, five, six or more corners?
Oct 18, 2017 · "A triangle is still a triangle regardless of how round the corners may be." To a geometer, a triangle is a shape whose boundary is exactly three straight line segments and nothing more: if it has rounded corners, it's not a triangle.
Illustrator: how to create a triangle with one round corner
Jan 29, 2017 · How do I round one corner of a triangle? Dragging 1 widget rounds all corners and holding down Alt/Option doesn't help.
resize - Scaling rounded corners in Illustrator - Graphic Design …
I've created a rounded-corner triangle in Illustrator by creating a triangle and then doing Effect>Stylize>Round Corners. Works great, except that the corners won't scale- No matter how small/big I make the triangle the corners always stay the same radius, whereas I want them to scale in proportion with the shape.
terminology - What is this shape that looks like a rectangle with ...
Nov 13, 2018 · Yes, that seems like a good name. This is a stroke cap after all, while the stroke has rounded corners. But we specifically make this shape too, in general designs, using rounded rectangles and not strokes. This shape might be an important, big, and bold part of the layout. Calling it just a stroke cap won't be enough.