Learn Game Development with Core for Free - Core Academy
A complete introduction to scripting for games using the versatile Lua programming language and the Core game development platform. Add an array of game coding skills to your toolbox and take your game development to new heights!
Core Academy Essentials
Core Academy Essentials are a collection of useful components that can easily be added to any project. These are usually common features that have been requested multiple times in the past. These components will be updated when necessary …
Player List - Core Academy
The Player List component will show who is in-game to all players. Knowing who is in-game can improve the experience for players and can make the game feel more alive and activeThe player list will display the player's avatar in the list, and supports hiding and showing it …
Camera Orbit Animation - Core Academy
It uses a blackout fade in and out effect to transition smoothly, which is needed because the camera switching can be delayed on the client. This animation is similar to the Core World start screen.
Courses - Core Academy
Ready to learn game development? Start one of the Core Academy courses and you are well on your way to become the next rock star game dev!
Articles Archives - Page 2 of 4 - Core Academy
Discussions, solutions, explorations of topics related to game design, code design, and the meta skills of experience development on Core.
Introduction - Core Academy
Welcome to this second module of the Core Certification. The four modules of this certification will give you all the keys to make amazing games using Core. This next part, Environment Art, focuses on the different tools that Core gives you to create great terrain for your game. What you will learn. How to generate terrains. How to paint your ...
NFT Gallery - Core Academy
Getting started with the Core NFT Gallery. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc imperdiet, tellus non volutpat molestie, nunc velit lacinia sem, ut ultrices risus ex in est. Integer ut posuere orci. Ut egestas sapien non rhoncus sagittis. Nunc ultrices nisl nunc, quis tincidunt ligula sollicitudin ut.
Player Names - Core Academy
Search for “CoreAcademy” in Community Content How to use. Drop the Player Names template into the hierarchy. To modify the look of the name, there is a template that can be either modified or switched out by changing the custom property on the root of the template.
Introduction - Core Academy
The four modules of this certification will give you all the keys to make amazing games using Core. This next part, Scripting and Core API , focuses on the scripting part of Core to understand the various tools of the Core API.