Sep 9, 1983 · highly swept wings - conical camber. The use of conical flow models for developing wing shapes received exten- sive attention in the 1950's. In the U.S., the conical camber wing …
Aircraft Design Information Sources: Conical Camber
The conical camber used was a simplification of the full NACA conical camber geometry described above. A comparison of the cambers is given. The report contains tab data for the …
Why is the leading edge of the F-102 & F-106 shaped like this?
Conical camber means the camber line is not defined by a traditional camber line. Instead, it is defined by the intersection of a plane and the surface of a cone. The surface of the cone …
It has been studied both as a simple form of built-in conical camber, intended to recover some part of the axial force which is lost through separation at the leading edge of a plane slender …
Camber (aerodynamics) - Wikipedia
In aeronautics and aeronautical engineering, camber is the asymmetry between the two acting surfaces of an airfoil, with the top surface of a wing (or correspondingly the front surface of a …
The use of conical camber to produce flow attachment at the …
In an attempt to avoid flow separation at the leading edge of a thin delta wing with subsonic leading edges, an attachment line is prescribed there. This is done by requiring the load, as …
A study of conical camber for triangular and sweptback wings
Report presenting a theoretical and experimental study to determine the effectiveness of camber in reducing the drag due to lift resulting from pressure forces acting on low-aspect-ratio …
Conical Camber was used on the F-102, the F-106 and the B-58 Hustler, as well as the F-15 Charles Hall, inventor, looking at a WT model with conical camber.
Pros and cons of a thin cambered wing? - Aviation Stack Exchange
Between 1907 and 1913 JW Dunne developed a conical leading-edge profile with much sharper camber increasing progressively outboard. Its purpose was to confer excellent stability and …
The experimental studies of references 1 and 2 show that a modification of the surface shape desig- nated as conical camber resulted in large reductions in the drag due to lift values of …