Detecting the Direction of a Collision - Stack Overflow
I need to know from what SIDE the collision occurred (e.g. top, bottom, left, right) in order to reset the location appropriately. I will give a mental cookie to whoever can answer this question, because I've been trying for too many hours and this seems fundamental.
collision detection - How to find which side of a collider has been …
In Unity3d, i can get the normal of the surface with which the collider collides using hit.normal, but is there a way to find which side has been hit what is provided bu Unity3d? One solution is t...
AI in Python - adding more timesteps makes my model "fail"
Feb 14, 2025 · I basically move the ball 5 px/frame right or left + it can jump with acceleration with applied gravity (i also check collisions with rectangles). python machine-learning
How do I detect collisions in Godot? - Stack Overflow
Oct 27, 2021 · And thus, even thought you are probably only interested on the collision with the kinematic/character body, you need to keep room for walls and floor or other collision that might be going on at the time. Next you are going to use the "body_entered" and "body_exited" signals. You can connect them to a script in the same rigid body (see "About ...
python - Pygame: Collision by Sides of Sprite - Stack Overflow
Oct 29, 2023 · The logic behind collision is like that: #Assume two surfaces objectA objectB if objectA.right > objectB.left and objectA.left < objectB.right and objectA.top < objectB.bottom and objectA.bottom > objectB.top #Collision happens
python - How do I detect collision in pygame? - Stack Overflow
Apr 15, 2015 · In PyGame, collision detection is done using pygame.Rect objects. The Rect object offers various methods for detecting collisions between objects. Even the collision between a rectangular and circular object such as a paddle and a ball can be detected by a collision between two rectangular objects, the paddle and the bounding rectangle of the ball.
SFML Collision Detection, C++ -> Reset Player Position
Feb 18, 2014 · Everything works fine, except the Players Position reset. My Collision Detection Function Returns the intersecting rectangle and 1,2,5 or 6 1=Collision in top-left corner of the Enemy, 2=collision in bottom-left corner of the enemy, 5=collision in bottom-right corner of the enemy and , 6=collision in top-right corner of the enemy.
java - Collision Problems in Processing - Stack Overflow
May 30, 2021 · Right now the collisions very glitchy and only works if its on the side of a rectangle and not the top (this makes more sense if you run the code). I'm wondering how I can get the collision to be cleaner and overall less glitchy.
Circle-Rectangle collision detection (intersection) - Stack Overflow
Dec 30, 2008 · @ericsoco: Good observation. :-) I guess I should have said "intersects the disc" in "one of the edges of the rectangle intersects the circle", because I meant means that it shares a point with the circle itself, not necessarily the circle's boundary.
How do I detect which side of the object I exited from on ...
Jan 22, 2021 · @BugFinder I think you'd have to take the positions of the vertices/edges of the collider (or approximate them) to know if the player left from the top or the right of a square platform if the x and y of the position difference and/or player velocity are all positive. Especially if the platform is a concave shape –