Town of Coaling Coaling,Alabama
The Town of Coaling possesses a small town feel while being only minutes from the city of Tuscaloosa for sporting events, shopping, dining and a host of other activities. Located along U.S. Highway 11 and south of Interstate 59/20 in eastern Tuscaloosa County.
Town of Coaling - Coaling, Alabama
The Town of Coaling now has three tornado shelters. Shelter 1 is located at the #1 Fire Station on U.S. Highway 11, Shelter 2 is located adjacent to the Recreation Complex and Shelter 3 is located on Lower Coaling Road at Stone Gate Mobile Home Park.
From the Mayor's Office - Coaling, Alabama
Coaling News: The Highway 11 project has begun it will take many months to complete. With the new turning lanes Coaling will be much safer. A new baseball field will be built and hopefully be ready for next season. The splash pad will be built as …
The Town of Coaling - Coaling, Alabama
The Town of Coaling has a park and playground area that also includes a pavilion. The pavilion can be reserved in advance for birthday parties and other events for $25.00 with a two hour maximum. The park is open daily until dusk.
The Town of Coaling - Coaling, Alabama
Coaling Police Department . Phone: 205-507-1230. Emergency: 911. 24 Hour Dispatch: 205-752-0616
Town Council - Coaling, Alabama
The Town Council of Coaling meets the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Town Hall located at 11281 Stephens Loop.
Town of Coaling Coaling,Alabama
Tuscaloosa County, Alabama. Home. Government
Town of Coaling
From Tuscaloosa: Take Interstate 59/20 take exit 79 turn left onto US Hwy. 11 travel approximately 6 miles and turn right onto Hagler Coaling Road.Travel over R.R. crossing travel approximately .5 miles and bear right onto Stephens Loop, the Town Hall is on the right. From Birmingham: Take Interstate 59/20 take exit 86 turn left onto Covered Bridge Road travel approximately 1 mile and turn ...
Town of Coaling Coaling,Alabama
Copies can be picked up Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. - Noon and from 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. at the Police Department located at 11281 Stephens Loop Coaling, AL 35453. Please call 507-1230 first to make sure your report is ready.
Town of Coaling - Coaling, Alabama
The Zoning Ordinance is in the process of being revised. Proposed Zoning Map. The Zoning Map is in the process of being revised